Bug 54399 - libraw: Multiple issues (4.4)
libraw: Multiple issues (4.4)
Product: UCS
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Security updates
UCS 4.4
All Linux
: P3 normal (vote)
: UCS 4.4-8-errata
Assigned To: Quality Assurance
Erik Damrose
Depends on:
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Reported: 2022-01-31 10:49 CET by Quality Assurance
Modified: 2022-02-02 16:40 CET (History)
0 users

See Also:
What kind of report is it?: Security Issue
What type of bug is this?: ---
Who will be affected by this bug?: ---
How will those affected feel about the bug?: ---
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Waiting Support:
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Max CVSS v3 score: 7.8 (CVSS:3.0/AV:L/AC:L/PR:N/UI:R/S:U/C:H/I:H/A:H)


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Description Quality Assurance univentionstaff 2022-01-31 10:49:26 CET
New Debian libraw 0.17.2-6+deb9u2 fixes:
This update addresses the following issues:
* Floating point exception in kodak_radc_load_raw function in  internal/dcraw_common.cpp (CVE-2017-13735)
* Stack based buffer overflow in the xtrans_interpolate function  (CVE-2017-14265)
* Heap-based 1 byte buffer over-write in processCanonCameraInfo function in  internal/dcraw_common.cpp (CVE-2017-14348)
* Out-of-bounds read in the kodak_65000_load_raw function (CVE-2017-14608)
* Heap-buffer overflow in the LibRaw::panasonic_load_raw() function  (CVE-2017-16909)
* Invalid read memory access in the LibRaw::xtrans_interpolate() function  (CVE-2017-16910)
* Heap-based buffer overflow in LibRaw::kodak_ycbcr_load_raw function in  internal/dcraw_common.cpp (CVE-2018-5800)
* NULL pointer dereference in LibRaw::unpack function src/libraw_cxx.cpp  (CVE-2018-5801)
* Out-of-bounds read in kodak_radc_load_raw function  internal/dcraw_common.cpp (CVE-2018-5802)
* type confusion error in identify() function in internal/dcraw_common.cpp  (CVE-2018-5804)
* Stack-based buffer overflow in quicktake_100_load_raw() function in  internal/dcraw_common.cpp (CVE-2018-5805)
* NULL pointer dereference in leaf_hdr_load_raw() function in  internal/dcraw_common.cpp (CVE-2018-5806)
* out-of-bounds read in samsung_load_raw in internal/dcraw_common.cpp  (CVE-2018-5807)
* stack-based buffer overflow in find_green() leads to arbitrary code  execution (CVE-2018-5808)
* heap-based buffer overflow in rollei_load_raw in internal/dcraw_common.cpp  (CVE-2018-5810)
* out-of-bounds read in nikon_coolscan_load_raw in internal/dcraw_common.cpp  (CVE-2018-5811)
* NULL pointer dereference in nikon_coolscan_load_raw in  internal/dcraw_common.cpp (CVE-2018-5812)
* infinite loop in the parse_minolta function in dcraw/dcraw.c  (CVE-2018-5813)
* Integer overflow in internal/dcraw_common.cpp:parse_qt() allows for denial  of service (CVE-2018-5815)
* DoS in unpacked_load_raw function in internal/dcraw_common.cpp  (CVE-2018-5817)
* DoS in parse_rollei function in internal/dcraw_common.cpp (CVE-2018-5818)
* DoS in parse_sinar_ia function in internal/dcraw_common.cpp (CVE-2018-5819)
* NULL pointer dereference in LibRaw::raw2image resulting in a denial of  service (CVE-2018-20363)
* NULL pointer dereference in LibRaw::copy_bayer resulting in a denial of  service (CVE-2018-20364)
* Heap-based buffer overflow in LibRaw::raw2image() resulting in a denial of  service (CVE-2018-20365)
Comment 1 Quality Assurance univentionstaff 2022-01-31 11:06:18 CET
--- mirror/ftp/4.3/unmaintained/4.3-0/source/libraw_0.17.2-6+deb9u1.dsc
+++ apt/ucs_4.4-0-errata4.4-8/source/libraw_0.17.2-6+deb9u2.dsc
@@ -1,3 +1,14 @@
+0.17.2-6+deb9u2 [Tue, 25 Jan 2022 11:41:58 +0530] Abhijith PA <abhijith@debian.org>:
+  * Non-maintainer upload by the Debian LTS Team.
+  * Fix CVE-2017-13735, CVE-2017-14265, CVE-2017-14348,
+    CVE-2017-14608, CVE-2017-16909, CVE-2017-16910, CVE-2018-5800
+    CVE-2018-5801, CVE-2018-5802, CVE-2018-5804, CVE-2018-5805,
+    CVE-2018-5806, CVE-2018-5807, CVE-2018-5808, CVE-2018-5810,
+    CVE-2018-5811, CVE-2018-5812, CVE-2018-5813, CVE-2018-5815,
+    CVE-2018-5817, CVE-2018-5818, CVE-2018-5819, CVE-2018-20363,
+    CVE-2018-20364 and CVE-2018-20365
 0.17.2-6+deb9u1 [Mon, 21 Aug 2017 13:03:44 -0400] Luciano Bello <luciano@debian.org>:
   * Non-maintainer upload by the Security Team.

Comment 2 Erik Damrose univentionstaff 2022-02-01 17:27:08 CET
OK: yaml
OK: announce_errata
OK: patch
OK: piuparts