Bug 55423 - errors and tracebacks not shown in logfiles
errors and tracebacks not shown in logfiles
Product: UCS
Classification: Unclassified
Component: UCR
UCS 5.0
Other Linux
: P5 normal (vote)
: UCS 5.0-2-errata
Assigned To: Florian Best
Dirk Wiesenthal
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Reported: 2022-11-14 08:46 CET by Tim Breidenbach
Modified: 2022-11-16 18:04 CET (History)
2 users (show)

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Description Tim Breidenbach univentionstaff 2022-11-14 08:46:31 CET
These variables lead to no output in the logfiles:

directory/manager/rest/show-tracebacks: false
 Defines whether tracebacks are shown to the user in error cases.

saml/idp/show-errors: False
 Defines if error information and stack traces allowed to be shown to the user.

umc/http/show_tracebacks: false
 Defines whether tracebacks are shown to the user in error cases.

That is more than the description says and not what we want.
Comment 1 Florian Best univentionstaff 2022-11-14 18:20:29 CET
Only UMC was affected. Exception trace are logged again.

df8d2d3f6c2a | fix(umc): log internal exception traces again

univention-management-console (12.0.13-3)
df8d2d3f6c2a | fix(umc): log internal exception traces again
    No tracebacks were logged because the default error handler was called
    with `traceback=None` due to the cherrypy setting `request.show_tracebacks`.
Comment 2 Dirk Wiesenthal univentionstaff 2022-11-15 16:58:11 CET
directory/manager/rest/show-tracebacks: OK
saml/idp/show-errors: OK
umc/http/show_tracebacks: OK