Bug 56303 - SAML login is not working after upgrade to UCS 5.0-4 in UMC-Server multiprocessing mode
SAML login is not working after upgrade to UCS 5.0-4 in UMC-Server multiproce...
Product: UCS
Classification: Unclassified
Component: UMC (Generic)
UCS 5.0
Other Linux
: P5 normal (vote)
: UCS 5.0-4-errata
Assigned To: Florian Best
Christian Castens
Depends on:
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Reported: 2023-07-11 09:36 CEST by Christina Scheinig
Modified: 2023-07-12 13:57 CEST (History)
1 user (show)

See Also:
What kind of report is it?: Bug Report
What type of bug is this?: 4: Minor Usability: Impairs usability in secondary scenarios
Who will be affected by this bug?: 2: Will only affect a few installed domains
How will those affected feel about the bug?: 5: Blocking further progress on the daily work
User Pain: 0.229
Enterprise Customer affected?:
School Customer affected?: Yes
ISV affected?:
Waiting Support:
Flags outvoted (downgraded) after PO Review:
Ticket number: 2023071021000145, 2023071121000125
Bug group (optional):
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Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.
Description Christina Scheinig univentionstaff 2023-07-11 09:36:52 CEST
The customer gets a traceback during saml login

11.07.23 09:31:31.943  MAIN        ( ALL     ) : reset_timeout(): new session expiration in 28799 seconds
11.07.23 09:31:31.944  MAIN        ( INFO    ) : Reloading SAML service provider configuration
11.07.23 09:31:31.953  MAIN        ( WARN    ) : Startup of SAML2.0 service provider failed:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/univention/management/console/saml.py", line 214, in reload
    cls.SP = Saml2Client(config_file=cls.configfile, identity_cache=cls.identity_cache, state_cache=shared_memory.saml_state_cache)
  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/saml2/client_base.py", line 108, in __init__
    self.users = Population(identity_cache)
  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/saml2/population.py", line 13, in __init__
    self.cache = Cache(cache)
  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/saml2/cache.py", line 27, in __init__
    self._db = shelve.open(filename, writeback=False, protocol=2)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.7/shelve.py", line 243, in open
    return DbfilenameShelf(filename, flag, protocol, writeback)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.7/shelve.py", line 227, in __init__
    Shelf.__init__(self, dbm.open(filename, flag), protocol, writeback)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.7/dbm/__init__.py", line 94, in open
    return mod.open(file, flag, mode)
_gdbm.error: [Errno 11] Resource temporarily unavailable

The workaround moving the databases from 
does not work

New created DB shows
# db_verify saml.bdb
db_verify: BDB0641 __db_meta_setup: saml.bdb: unexpected file type or format
db_verify: BDB0524 Page 0: pgno incorrectly set to 4096
db_verify: BDB0525 Page 0: bad magic number 0
db_verify: BDB0527 Page 0: bad page size 9
db_verify: saml.bdb: BDB0090 DB_VERIFY_BAD: Database verification failed
BDB5105 Verification of saml.bdb failed.
Comment 1 Florian Best univentionstaff 2023-07-11 09:51:38 CEST
The identity cache was used by multiple processes. We have to restrict it to use one cache per process.

ucr set umc/saml/in-memory-identity-cache=false umc/http/processes=4
systemctl restart univention-management-console-server
ls /var/cache/univention-management-console/saml-*.bdb
login via SAML from multiple browsers

4614838e2b0c | fix(umc-saml): fix SAML identity cache in multiprocessing mode

univention-management-console (12.0.31-6)
4614838e2b0c | fix(umc-saml): fix SAML identity cache in multiprocessing mode
Comment 2 Christian Castens univentionstaff 2023-07-11 11:37:14 CEST
  - The reported traceback does not occur anymore when using SAML login: OK
  - No related errors/tracebacks in logfiles: OK
  - advisories: OK
Comment 3 Christian Castens univentionstaff 2023-07-12 13:57:25 CEST