Bug 57084 - Mail relay host configuration insufficient
Mail relay host configuration insufficient
Status: NEW
Product: UCS manual
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Mail services
Other Linux
: P5 normal (vote)
: ---
Assigned To: Docu maintainers
Mail maintainers
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Reported: 2024-02-26 11:41 CET by Nico Gulden
Modified: 2024-02-26 11:52 CET (History)
1 user (show)

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What kind of report is it?: Bug Report
What type of bug is this?: 2: Improvement: Would be a product improvement
Who will be affected by this bug?: 3: Will affect average number of installed domains
How will those affected feel about the bug?: 2: A Pain – users won’t like this once they notice it
User Pain: 0.069
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Description Nico Gulden univentionstaff 2024-02-26 11:41:12 CET
## Story

As a administrator, I can get all necessary information from our UCS manual, so that I can configure a mail relay host with e.g. port 587 that requires authentication.

## Context/description

The UCS manual about how to configure a mail relay host is a little bit sparse and does not contain the interesting parts for relay hosts on non-default-ports (465 or 587).
Additionally it is not stated how the credentials have to be defined in /etc/postfix/smtp_auth if non standard ports are used.

### Technical details / new content for manual:

- `mail/relayhost`
  There are 2 (4) possible formats to specify the relay host:
  - `ucr set mail/relayhost="mx01.example.com"`
    Outgoing mail is delivered to the mailserver mx01.example.com on port 25.
  - `ucr set mail/relayhost="mx01.example.com:587"`
    Outgoing mail is delivered to the mailserver mx01.example.com on port 587.

  Please note, that postfix is doing a DNS lookup on `mx01.example.com` for the MX/SRV entry to determine the actual target address. If you are unsure, that this means, please use the following notation to avoid misrouted e-mails.

  - `ucr set mail/relayhost="[mx01.example.com]"`
    Outgoing mail is delivered to the mailserver mx01.example.com on port 25.
  - `ucr set mail/relayhost="[mx01.example.com]:587"`
    Outgoing mail is delivered to the mailserver mx01.example.com on port 587.

- `/etc/postfix/smtp_auth`

  Credentials for outgoing mailservers have to be written into the file `smtp_auth`. The usual format is `mailserver  username:password`.
  The `mailserver` part should look exactly like the setting that is done in the UCRV `smtp/relayhost`, e.g. `[mx01.example.com]:587  outgoing@subdomain.example.com:verySecretPassword`, otherwise postfix might not use credentials for the relay host at all.