Bug 57110 - add guardian role attributes to UDM
add guardian role attributes to UDM
Product: UCS
Classification: Unclassified
Component: UDM (Generic)
UCS 5.0
Other Linux
: P5 normal (vote)
: UCS 5.0-7-errata
Assigned To: Julia Bremer
Julia Bremer
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Reported: 2024-03-05 12:52 CET by Felix Botner
Modified: 2024-04-03 13:10 CEST (History)
3 users (show)

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What kind of report is it?: Development Internal
What type of bug is this?: ---
Who will be affected by this bug?: ---
How will those affected feel about the bug?: ---
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Description Felix Botner univentionstaff 2024-03-05 12:52:45 CET
Add guardian role attributes to LDAP schema.
Comment 1 Julia Bremer univentionstaff 2024-03-18 18:59:37 CET
Package: univention-ldap
Version: 16.0.15-2
Branch: ucs_5.0-0
Scope: errata5.0-7

Package: univention-management-console-module-udm
Version: 10.0.10-2
Branch: ucs_5.0-0
Scope: errata5.0-7

Package: univention-directory-manager-rest
Version: 10.0.8-4
Branch: ucs_5.0-0
Scope: errata5.0-7

Package: univention-directory-manager-modules
Version: 15.0.26-4
Branch: ucs_5.0-0
Scope: errata5.0-7

8d9726b52d Bug #57110: Advisory
e936a71e95 Bug #57110: README for guardian team
0e9dd78d2a Bug #57110: Show inherited roles in UMC
15801f842d Bug #57110: Add tests for guardianRoles
cc1069ab84 feat(udm-rest): allow to query expensive properties
d2148659ba Bug #57110: Load guardianInheritedRoles
746a09fec8 Bug #57110: Add LDAP ACLs
8518100b06 Bug #57110: added LDAP schema
2bf6576433 Bug #57110: Add guardianInheritedRole

We added the option to UDM to specify lazy loading properties which are only fetched if they are explicitely requested.
UDM and UDM REST API have been adjusted so that properties can be passed to them, so that only those are fetched.
UDM CLI has a --properties flag to pass those properties.

The properties guardianRoles, guardianMemberRoles and guardianInheritedRoles have been added for the guardian app. 
GuardianInheritedRoles is only fetched if explicitely requested.

GuardianInheritedRoles is calculated from guardianMemberRoles, which is set on a group.This is calculated on the fly.
GuardianRoles directly affects the object it is set on.
Comment 3 Daniel Tröder univentionstaff 2024-03-19 09:25:16 CET
Please see comments on commit https://git.knut.univention.de/univention/ucs/-/commit/d2148659ba9d3d6bfd925bec5b33bdaa2c48b073
Comment 4 Felix Botner univentionstaff 2024-03-19 12:32:20 CET
790c97289517be97b0f60e84d1cfa580858d183a: itertools
cb61b59d2c775d204ed77e876ab8613cd76e1dea: advisory
dc3388fd67f7e8635d8fd5d3614e39e02be0c2c8: remove unused get_nested_groups
6fea43ccc12b54e0080b00ea5bed0ef781c3e7cb: fix cache

Package: univention-directory-manager-modules
Version: 15.0.26-6
Branch: ucs_5.0-0
Scope: errata5.0-7
Comment 5 Felix Botner univentionstaff 2024-03-19 21:48:16 CET
Package: univention-directory-manager-modules
Version: 15.0.26-7
Branch: ucs_5.0-0
Scope: errata5.0-7

aa43cef3e99cfcc111914ef00338ae5e902214a8: fix itertools
Comment 6 Arvid Requate univentionstaff 2024-03-25 10:40:40 CET
* Code check in 5.0-7, 5.1-0, 5.2-0
* Package update (5.0-7, 5.2-0)
* Functional test
* Test-case
* Advisories
** univention-directory-manager-modules
** univention-directory-manager-rest
** univention-ldap
** univention-management-console-module-udm

Minor adjustment:
8b51fb38fa | Advisory wording
Comment 7 Felix Botner univentionstaff 2024-03-26 17:21:20 CET
We have on problem with the ACL's on the replica.

If we install the update on a replica first, slapd refuses to start and complains about "/etc/ldap/slapd.conf: line 231: unknown attr "univentionGuardianRoles" in to clause 6602d5d5 <access c" and refuses to start.
Comment 8 Julia Bremer univentionstaff 2024-03-28 15:09:30 CET
We now register the LDAP ACL on the primary only.
So only if the primary was updated, the ACL and the schema is registered in the domain, which circumvents the error on upgrade.