Sat Sep 21 2024 03:26:46 CEST
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20 bugs found.
ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
43243 UCS@scho UMC - Co ucsschool-maintainers REOP --- Traceback during screenshot receiving 2020-12-16
53970 UCS@scho UMC - Co ucsschool-maintainers NEW --- deactivating printing in classroom does not work as expected 2021-10-21
54164 UCS@scho UMC - Co ucsschool-maintainers NEW --- schoolrooms/put: AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'lower' 2021-11-26
54148 UCS@scho UMC - Co ucsschool-maintainers NEW --- computer room only shows usernames and not "username (firstname lastname) 2021-12-13
54949 UCS@scho UMC - Co ucsschool-maintainers NEW --- AttributeError: invalid key 'opsisetupuser' 2022-07-06
54327 UCS@scho UMC - Co ucsschool-maintainers NEW --- schoolrooms/put: ValidationError: IPv6 address 2022-08-01
55878 UCS@scho UMC - Co ucsschool-maintainers NEW --- status icons in computer-room hard to distinguish (offline->monitored) 2023-03-14
54964 UCS@scho UMC - Co ucsschool-maintainers NEW --- search without result opens dialogue to create computerroom 2023-06-12
31442 UCS@scho UMC - Co ucsschool-maintainers REOP --- Adapt computerroom/* commands to be stateless 2023-06-23
56202 UCS@scho UMC - Co ucsschool-maintainers NEW --- schoolrooms/add: univention.admin.uexceptions.noObject: No such object 2023-06-27
54701 UCS@scho UMC - Co ucsschool-maintainers NEW --- computerroom/settings/set: validate_userstr: AttributeError: invalid key 'lefers' 2023-07-06
55361 UCS@scho UMC - Co ucsschool-maintainers NEW --- computerroom/settings/set: Destination path already exists 2023-07-06
56564 UCS@scho UMC - Co ucsschool-maintainers NEW --- computerroom/computer/state: Computer could not be restarted 2023-09-11
51875 UCS@scho UMC - Co ucsschool-maintainers NEW --- computerroom/computer/state: AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'objectType' 2024-01-12
56904 UCS@scho UMC - Co ucsschool-maintainers NEW --- Failing to reset the SMB connections on a computer results in an exam that can't be stopped, which blocks other exams 2024-01-17
54098 UCS@scho UMC - Co ucsschool-maintainers NEW --- computerroom/exam/finish: AttributeError: invalid key 'Administrator' 2024-05-24
56766 UCS@scho UMC - Co ucsschool-maintainers NEW --- Traceback in master exam log 2024-06-03
57330 UCS@scho UMC - Co ucsschool-maintainers NEW --- computerroom/query: Unknown IP address 2024-06-20
56269 UCS@scho UMC - Co ucsschool-maintainers NEW --- univention.admin.uexceptions.noSuperordinate: Die angegebenen Informationen reichen nicht aus: Kein übergeordnetes Objekt angegeben./univention/command/schoolrooms/put: 2024-08-01
56612 UCS@scho UMC - Co ucsschool-maintainers NEW --- computerroom/computer/state: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'powerOn' 2024-08-22
20 bugs found.
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