Bug 46469 - PackageManager in UCS@school Installer fails to update package cache
PackageManager in UCS@school Installer fails to update package cache
Product: UCS@school
Classification: Unclassified
Component: UMC - Installer
UCS@school 4.3
Other Linux
: P5 normal (vote)
: UCS@school 4.3 v1
Assigned To: Sönke Schwardt-Krummrich
Daniel Tröder
Depends on:
Blocks: 48665
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Reported: 2018-03-02 17:29 CET by Sönke Schwardt-Krummrich
Modified: 2019-02-13 13:09 CET (History)
0 users

See Also:
What kind of report is it?: Bug Report
What type of bug is this?: 6: Setup Problem: Issue for the setup process
Who will be affected by this bug?: 4: Will affect most installed domains
How will those affected feel about the bug?: 3: A User would likely not purchase the product
User Pain: 0.411
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Description Sönke Schwardt-Krummrich univentionstaff 2018-03-02 17:29:02 CET
Due to changes in python-apt the PackageManager in the UCS@school Installer fails to update package cache.

According to Dirk, the PackageManager/python-apt will not be able to handle repos e.g. without Relase files. This behaviour blocks all installation tests with UCS 4.3 from the test app center.
Comment 1 Sönke Schwardt-Krummrich univentionstaff 2018-03-02 17:38:42 CET
Dirk suggested to replace the affected package_manager.update() call with a subprocess call of "apt-get update". A short test looks very promising.

The output of apt-get is printed to the UMC modules's logfile.

ucs-school-umc-installer (5.0.1-1)
88da89aea904 | Bug #46469: use "apt-get update" instead of package_manager.update()
Comment 3 Sönke Schwardt-Krummrich univentionstaff 2018-03-14 13:11:56 CET
UCS@school 4.3 v1 has been released.


If this error occurs again, please clone this bug.