Mon Jul 1 2024 10:49:10 CEST
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85 bugs found.
ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
42268 UCS System s damrose RESO DUPL univention-system-activation migration to UCS 4.2 2018-04-14
43807 UCS exte Central docu-maintainers RESO WONT Adjust the extended documentations to UCS 4.2 2024-04-17
20206 UCS exte Develope hahn CLOS FIXE Dokumentation zur Paketierung von Software für UCS 2013-06-19
20064 UCS@scho General best CLOS FIXE Metapaket heißt ucs-school-singlemaster 2021-11-29
52613 UCS@scho General best CLOS FIXE Migrate ucs-school-umc-printermoderation to Python 3 2021-11-29
52614 UCS@scho General best CLOS FIXE Migrate ucs-school-umc-distribution to Python 3 2021-11-29
52623 UCS@scho General best CLOS FIXE Migrate ucs-school-umc-installer to Python 3 2021-11-29
52631 UCS@scho General best CLOS FIXE Migrate ucs-school-umc-groups to Python 3 2021-11-29
52633 UCS@scho General best CLOS FIXE Migrate ucs-school-umc-diagnostic to Python 3 2021-11-29
52636 UCS@scho General best CLOS FIXE Migrate ucs-school-umc-import to Python 3 2021-11-29
52637 UCS@scho General best CLOS FIXE Migrate ucs-school-umc-wizards to Python 3 2021-11-29
52638 UCS@scho General best CLOS FIXE Migrate ucs-school-umc-lists to Python 3 2021-11-29
52643 UCS@scho General best CLOS FIXE Migrate ucs-school-veyon-client to Python 3 2021-11-29
52645 UCS@scho General best CLOS FIXE Migrate ucs-school-umc-lessontimes to Python 3 2021-11-29
52958 UCS UDM (Gen best CLOS WONT IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/univention/admin/syntax.d/' 2021-05-25
53249 UCS UMC (Gen best CLOS FIXE python-notifier: RuntimeError: dictionary changed size during iteration 2023-05-23
29283 Z_SDB Update n botner CLOS FIXE SDB Artikel zu univention-update-memberof empfiehlt Re-Join aller DCs 2023-03-25
53089 UCS Test S4 Conne bremer CLOS FIXE 52_s4connector.100sync_gpo_ntsecurity_descriptor fails on S4 Connector tests for UCS 5.0-0 2021-05-25
48692 UCS Radius brodersen CLOS FIXE [UCS 4.4-0 manual] UCR/LDAP integration of /etc/freeradius/3.0/clients.conf 2022-01-14
48798 UCS manu General brodersen CLOS FIXE Manual: reduce ucsschool specific radius package 2019-03-12
22889 UCS UMC (Gen buesching CLOS FIXE UDM: DHCP/DNS 2011-12-13
22890 UCS UMC (Gen buesching CLOS FIXE UDM: Freigaben/Drucker/Netzwerke 2011-12-13
22891 UCS UMC (Gen buesching CLOS FIXE UDM: Mail/Nagios 2011-12-13
23329 UCS UMC - Co buesching CLOS FIXE Das UMC-Frontend muss die Syntax shareHost unterstützen 2011-12-13
23655 UCS UMC (Gen buesching CLOS FIXE "Über UMC"-Bereich 2011-12-13
52602 UCS@scho General castens CLOS FIXE Replace DC Master/Slave with Primary/Backup/Replica/Managed Node 2021-11-29
48329 UCS manu Release damrose CLOS FIXE UCS 4.4-0 Release Highlights 2019-03-12
48335 UCS General damrose CLOS FIXE VMware/Virtualbox images for UCS 4.4-0 2019-03-12
48336 UCS General damrose CLOS FIXE UCS 4.4-0 EC2 images 2019-03-12
29885 UCS General gohmann CLOS FIXE VMware image with UCS 3.1-0-errata 2023-03-25
48637 UCS manu General gohmann CLOS FIXE Revising User Guidance in the Portal 2019-03-12
48639 UCS manu General gohmann CLOS FIXE Add UCS 4.4 portal improvements / features 2019-03-12
48633 UCS manu General gulden CLOS WONT Add App install permissions to manual 2019-03-12
48634 UCS manu General gulden CLOS FIXE Add vote for Apps to manual 2019-03-12
48635 UCS manu User man gulden CLOS FIXE Add activation / deactivation of app permissions 2019-03-12
48638 UCS manu General gulden CLOS FIXE Adapt the App catalog improvements to the UMC App Center module 2019-03-12
48787 UCS manu General gulden CLOS FIXE Update graphics in manual 2019-03-12
29398 UCS exte Develope hahn CLOS FIXE UCS Developer Manual 2015-04-01
29420 UCS exte Develope hahn CLOS FIXE Entwicklung eines Listener-Moduls 2015-02-19
29471 UCS exte Develope hahn CLOS FIXE Entwickler-Doku für Integration in Univention Configuration Registry 2013-06-19
48325 UCS General hahn CLOS FIXE UCS-4.4-0 Meta Bug 2019-03-12
48328 UCS manu Release hahn CLOS FIXE UCS 4.4-0 Release notes 2019-03-12
48330 UCS manu General hahn CLOS FIXE Upload the 4.4-0 manual 2019-03-12
48631 UCS manu General hahn CLOS FIXE Admin diary manual is missing 2019-03-12
48632 UCS manu General hahn CLOS FIXE Integrate UCS 4.4 self service features to manual 2019-03-12
29544 UCS manu UCS scen jmm CLOS FIXE Szenarien-Dokument auf 3.1 aktualisieren 2015-04-01
29663 UCS exte Services jmm CLOS FIXE Update_to_UCS_3.1_Samba_4 2015-04-01
29666 Z_Univen Hardware jmm CLOS FIXE Grafikausgabe auf IGEL UD5 2013-03-26
29827 UCS manu General jmm CLOS FIXE Logo-Datei im Online-Handbuch zu groß 2015-04-01
33454 Z_wiki.u Quick st jmm CLOS FIXE Update quick start guide for EC2 2023-03-25
48636 UCS manu General keiser CLOS FIXE Adjustments UMC Layout 2019-04-15
23194 UCS UMC (Gen klaeser CLOS FIXE UDM: DHCP-/MAC-Adressen zur ComboBox hinzufügen währende der Eingabe [computers/computer] 2011-12-13
23335 UCS UDM (Gen klaeser CLOS FIXE Navigation: Suchfilter 2011-12-13
23340 UCS UMC - Do klaeser CLOS FIXE UDM-UMC: UDM-Objekte in neuem Tab öffnen 2011-12-13
23478 UCS UMC - Do klaeser CLOS FIXE Neue Objekte direkt anzeigen 2011-12-13
52639 UCS@scho General luttermann CLOS FIXE Migrate ucs-school-umc-internetrules to Python 3 2021-11-29
53188 UCS manu General luttermann CLOS FIXE UCS 5.0 screenshots 2021-05-25
27654 UCS Test Samba peters CLOS FIXE ucs-test Übernahme: 50_samba 2023-03-25
28262 UCS Test Samba peters CLOS FIXE ucs-test samba4 2023-03-25
28340 UCS Test Samba peters CLOS INVA ucs-test 50samba/05domain-join-ntlm-auth an samba4 anpassen 2023-03-25
28341 UCS Test Samba peters CLOS FIXE ucs-test 50samba/10samba-share-options an samba4 anpassen 2023-03-25
28342 UCS Test Samba peters CLOS FIXE ucs-test 50samba/15nfs-share-options an samba4 anpassen 2023-03-25
28344 UCS Test Samba peters CLOS INVA ucs-test 50samba/21sambaLMPassword an samba4 anpassen 2023-03-25
28345 UCS Test Samba peters CLOS INVA ucs-test 50samba/22overlapping_user_and_group_memberquery an samba4 anpassen 2023-03-25
28346 UCS Test Samba peters CLOS INVA ucs-test 50samba/25domain-join-without-admin-rights an samba4 anpassen 2023-03-25
28747 UCS Test Samba peters CLOS FIXE ucs-test/50_samba/21sambaLMPassword schlägt mit samba 3.6.8 fehl (UCS 3.1) 2023-03-25
29052 UCS Test Samba peters CLOS FIXE Samba3-Test: Password Wechsel 2013-11-19
29053 UCS Test Samba peters CLOS FIXE Samba3-Test: Passwort Richtlinie 2013-11-19
29054 UCS Test Samba peters CLOS FIXE Samba3-Test: File Access Permissions 2023-03-25
29057 UCS Test Samba peters CLOS FIXE Samba4-Test: Passwort Richtlinie 2023-03-25
29060 UCS Test Samba peters CLOS FIXE Samba4-Test: Sysvol-Zugriff 2023-03-25
29061 UCS Test Samba peters CLOS FIXE Samba4-Test: Sysvol-Zugriff mit Kerberos 2023-03-25
29062 UCS Test Samba peters CLOS FIXE Samba4-Test: Sysvol-Replikation 2023-03-25
29063 UCS Test Samba peters CLOS FIXE Samba4-Test: DNS-Records 2023-03-25
29228 UCS Test Samba peters CLOS FIXE Samba4-Test: fACL 2023-03-25
29229 UCS Test Samba peters CLOS DUPL Samba4-Test: samba share rules 2023-03-25
29230 UCS Test Samba peters CLOS FIXE Samba4-Test: NTACL 2013-11-19
29328 UCS Test Samba requate CLOS FIXE Samba4-Test: GPO anlegen 2023-03-25
33234 UCS Samba4 requate CLOS FIXE Samba4 migration - Update Scenario 1 - wrong type in idmap objects 2016-08-27
48337 UCS General requate CLOS FIXE UCS 4.4-0 docker images 2019-11-06
29851 Z_Univen Image ma ucc-maintainers CLOS WONT Bau der UCC-Images automatisieren 2023-06-28
48368 UCS Update - ucs-maintainers CLOS DUPL Revert back to 2019-03-12
52620 UCS@scho General ucsschool-maintainers CLOS INVA Migrate ucs-school-branding to Python 3 2021-07-12
29886 UCS General walkenhorst CLOS FIXE EC2 image with UCS 3.1-0-errata 2016-12-07
53199 UCS Portal wiesenthal CLOS FIXE univention-portal-server not running after upgrade; missing file: 'portals.json' 2021-05-25
85 bugs found.
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