Sat Jul 27 2024 01:42:47 CEST
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89 bugs found.
ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
52160 UCS Security damrose CLOS FIXE firefox-esr: Multiple issues (4.4) 2020-10-07
51831 UCS Security qa CLOS FIXE sane-backends: Multiple issues (4.4) 2020-10-28
52139 UCS Security qa CLOS FIXE qt4-x11: Multiple issues (4.4) 2020-09-30
52140 UCS Security qa CLOS FIXE lua5.3: Multiple issues (4.4) 2020-09-30
52141 UCS Security qa CLOS FIXE openssl1.0: Multiple issues (4.4) 2020-09-30
52142 UCS Security qa CLOS FIXE curl: Multiple issues (4.4) 2020-09-30
52161 UCS Security qa CLOS FIXE libdbi-perl: Multiple issues (4.4) 2020-09-30
52162 UCS Security qa CLOS FIXE qtbase-opensource-src: Multiple issues (4.4) 2020-09-30
52181 UCS Security qa CLOS FIXE libvirt: Multiple issues (4.4) 2020-10-07
52189 UCS Security qa CLOS FIXE ruby2.3: Multiple issues (4.4) 2020-10-07
52190 UCS Security qa CLOS FIXE nss: Multiple issues (4.4) 2020-10-07
52193 UCS Security qa CLOS FIXE php7.0: Multiple issues (4.4) 2020-10-14
52265 UCS Security qa CLOS FIXE bluez: Multiple issues (4.4) 2020-10-28
52266 UCS Security qa CLOS FIXE firefox-esr: Multiple issues (4.4) 2020-10-28
52267 UCS Security qa CLOS FIXE freetype: Multiple issues (4.4) 2020-10-28
52268 UCS Security qa CLOS FIXE openjdk-8: Multiple issues (4.4) 2020-12-22
52287 UCS Security qa CLOS FIXE linux: Multiple issues (4.4) 2020-11-25
52288 UCS Security qa CLOS FIXE libsndfile: Multiple issues (4.4) 2020-11-04
52289 UCS Security qa CLOS FIXE wireshark: Multiple issues (4.4) 2020-11-04
52290 UCS Security qa CLOS FIXE qtsvg-opensource-src: Multiple issues (4.4) 2020-11-04
52291 UCS Security qa CLOS FIXE spice: Multiple issues (4.4) 2020-11-04
52326 UCS Security qa CLOS FIXE libonig: Multiple issues (4.4) 2020-11-11
52327 UCS Security qa CLOS FIXE poppler: Multiple issues (4.4) 2020-11-11
52349 UCS Security qa CLOS FIXE zeromq3: Multiple issues (4.4) 2020-11-18
52350 UCS Security qa CLOS FIXE libmaxminddb: Multiple issues (4.4) 2020-11-18
52351 UCS Security qa CLOS FIXE tcpdump: Multiple issues (4.4) 2020-11-18
52352 UCS Security qa CLOS FIXE firefox-esr: Multiple issues (4.4) 2020-11-18
52365 UCS Security qa CLOS FIXE libproxy: Multiple issues (4.4) 2020-11-18
52366 UCS Security qa CLOS FIXE libvncserver: Multiple issues (4.4) 2020-11-18
52414 UCS Security qa CLOS FIXE firefox-esr: Multiple issues (4.4) 2020-11-25
52415 UCS Security qa CLOS FIXE python3.5: Multiple issues (4.4) 2020-11-25
52420 UCS Security qa CLOS FIXE firmware-nonfree: Multiple issues (4.4) 2020-11-25
50302 UCS UMC (Gen best CLOS FIXE Display a cookie usage banner in UMC / Portal 2020-11-26
51287 UCS Self Ser best CLOS FIXE The UCR variable umc/self-service/passwordreset/token_validity_period is without function 2020-11-16
51294 UCS Apache best CLOS FIXE Make Apache ServerSignature configurable via UCR 2021-01-11
51607 UCS Self Ser best CLOS FIXE Self Service should support Single Sign On 2020-10-14
51907 UCS UDM (Gen best CLOS FIXE udm/add (users/user): AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'lower' 2020-10-14
52046 UCS UMC - Us best CLOS FIXE The creation wizard for users does not allow to set the "invite" option by default 2020-10-14
52201 UCS Portal best CLOS FIXE Rebase Preview Portal 2021-09-16
52206 UCS Portal best CLOS FIXE Iframes in Preview Portal should allow anything 2021-09-16
52222 UCS UMC (Gen best CLOS FIXE Limit cookie of cookie usage banner to path=/ 2020-10-21
52253 UCS UMC (Gen best CLOS FIXE UMC login would perform better with xml.etree.cElementTree instread of xml.etree.ElementTree 2020-11-04
52271 UCS UMC (Gen best CLOS FIXE Make dispatch timeout for UMC-Web-Server configurable 2020-11-04
52274 UCS UMC (Gen best CLOS FIXE Run UMC-Server with additional UNIX-socket and let UMC-Webserver connect to this 2020-11-25
52278 UCS SAML best CLOS FIXE simplesamlphp does 2 ldap binds where 0 are necessary 2020-11-04
52294 UCS UMC (Gen best CLOS FIXE Define __slots__ for state objects in UMC-Server components 2020-11-04
52295 UCS UMC (Gen best CLOS FIXE Remove log message which logs all opened sessions 2020-11-04
52296 UCS UMC (Gen best CLOS FIXE Don't store python XML objects in session 2020-11-04
52297 UCS UMC (Gen best CLOS FIXE Delay UMC authentication after SAML login to first use of UMC modules 2020-11-25
52314 UCS Portal best CLOS FIXE Portal Preview App doesn't renew sessions anymore making logout impossible 2021-09-16
52318 UCS UMC (Gen best CLOS FIXE Add HTTP reason phrase to different kind of 503 Service unavailable 2020-11-25
52320 UCS Apache best CLOS FIXE Two additional UCR variables for Max/MinSpareServers necessary 2020-11-25
52321 UCS UMC (Gen best CLOS FIXE Reduce interval of get/session-info request 2022-05-06
52323 UCS SAML best CLOS FIXE Make SAML Assertion lifetime configurable 2020-11-25
52338 UCS UMC (Gen best CLOS FIXE UMC-Web-Server: don't store relay state dictionary 2020-11-25
52345 UCS Portal best CLOS FIXE Fetch portal.json only once if not necessary to do a polling 2020-11-11
52362 UCS Self Ser best CLOS FIXE Restricted validity of the password reset token (sent by mail) broken 2020-11-18
51364 UCS UDM - Ex botner CLOS FIXE Object class violation: invalid structural object class chain (univentionUserTemplate/inetOrgPerson) 2021-02-05
51501 UCS AD Conne botner CLOS FIXE The transport connection is now disconnected 2020-11-25
51835 UCS Samba4 botner CLOS FIXE should evaluate create_spn_account_timeout 2020-11-18
51903 UCS SAML botner CLOS FIXE UCS user authentication takes place after the "PW expired" check 2020-10-07
51929 UCS AD Conne botner CLOS FIXE Users readded to classes and workgroups they were removed from 2020-11-25
52364 UCS S4 Conne botner CLOS FIXE Users readded to classes and workgroups they were removed from (S4Connector) 2020-11-25
46745 UCS S4 Conne bremer CLOS FIXE Disabling DES keys with Samba not possible: S4-Connector: sync_from_ucs: Primary:Kerberos missing 2020-10-14
46985 UCS Join (un bremer CLOS FIXE univention-run-join-scripts doesn't check options 2020-11-19
51782 UCS S4 Conne bremer CLOS FIXE Installing Samba AD DC on a UCS@school Master leads to reject of CN=AppCategories 2021-01-26
51904 UCS AD Conne bremer CLOS FIXE password won't be updated through AD-connector in UCS, if flag "change password next login" is already set 2024-02-19
49823 UCS UMC - Us castens CLOS FIXE Copyable user properties 2020-09-30
51608 UCS SAML damrose CLOS FIXE Wrong file ownership for serviceprovider_enabled_groups.json 2020-10-14
52130 UCS Samba damrose CLOS FIXE samba: Multiple issues (4.4) 2020-10-29
52233 UCS Samba damrose CLOS FIXE samba: Multiple issues (4.4) 2020-10-29
51769 UCS Kernel hahn CLOS FIXE Provide "prune old kernel" for all kernel updates 2020-10-21
39167 UCS LDAP luttermann CLOS FIXE Increase default mdb maxsize 2020-11-18
51765 UCS General luttermann CLOS FIXE Set a default value for backup/clean/max_age 2020-11-18
49981 UCS AD Conne pohle CLOS FIXE AD Connector: make mapping configurable 2021-05-27
51942 UCS UMC - Sy pohle CLOS FIXE univention-run-diagnostic-checks: Do all checks by default 2020-11-04
52264 UCS Security qa CLOS FIXE mariadb-10.1: Multiple issues (4.4) 2020-10-28
52325 UCS Security qa CLOS FIXE krb5: Multiple issues (4.4) 2020-11-11
52328 UCS Security qa CLOS FIXE raptor2: Multiple issues (4.4) 2020-11-11
52329 UCS Security qa CLOS FIXE gdm3: Multiple issues (4.4) 2023-01-12
52330 UCS Security qa CLOS FIXE libexif: Multiple issues (4.4) 2023-01-12
52400 UCS Security requate CLOS FIXE postgresql-9.6: Multiple issues (4.4) 2020-11-25
51124 UCS Mail roehmeyer CLOS FIXE add UCRV for Postfix settings delay_warning_time, maximal_queue_lifetime and 2020-09-30
51624 UCS Join (un schwardt CLOS FIXE Delay execution of join scripts to 2021-03-15
52197 UCS Update - schwardt CLOS FIXE Add current phase to univention-updater.status 2021-03-15
52316 UCS UMC (Gen schwardt CLOS FIXE [Errno 11] Resource temporarily unavailable / Die Ressource ist zur Zeit nicht verfügbar 2021-06-15
52302 UCS Portal wiesenthal CLOS FIXE Remove call to /univention/get/modules for every page load 2021-09-16
52303 UCS UMC (Gen wiesenthal CLOS FIXE Fetching meta.json should not involve UMC unless the user really needs it 2021-03-11
52355 UCS Portal wiesenthal CLOS FIXE The portal entry visibility evaluation is unnecessarily slow for anonymous users 2020-11-25
89 bugs found.
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