Sun Jun 2 2024 14:38:25 CEST
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60 bugs found.
ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
39412 UCS App Cent wiesenthal CLOS FIXE The App Center Docker implementation still uses aufs 2015-11-17
39331 UCS App Cent gohmann CLOS FIXE Skip IP / MAC / DNS registration while joining a docker container 2015-11-17
39304 UCS App Cent wiesenthal CLOS FIXE Copy Apps from UCS 4.0 App Center 2015-11-17
39303 UCS App Cent gohmann CLOS FIXE Copy UCS components to UCS 4.1 App Center 2015-11-17
39258 UCS App Cent wiesenthal CLOS FIXE Installation of package univention-appcenter 2015-11-17
39196 UCS App Cent wiesenthal CLOS FIXE Docker App join 2015-11-17
39185 UCS App Cent wiesenthal CLOS FIXE Merge App Center from Docker scope 2015-11-17
39183 UCS App Cent wiesenthal CLOS FIXE Installation of package univention-appcenter-docker 2015-11-17
39413 UCS Docker gohmann CLOS WORK Copy update/secure_apt from host system 2015-11-17
39205 UCS Docker gohmann CLOS WORK Don't install UMC in appbox Docker image 2015-11-17
39418 UCS Docker requate CLOS FIXE Configure to use overlayFS 2015-11-17
39414 UCS Docker wiesenthal CLOS FIXE update_available is bugged when it finds package updates 2015-11-24
39350 UCS Docker gohmann CLOS FIXE Upgrade package 2015-11-17
39206 UCS Docker gohmann CLOS FIXE systemUUID handling in Docker 2015-11-17
39198 UCS Docker wiesenthal CLOS FIXE Provide mod_proxy configuration 2016-06-10
39195 UCS Docker wiesenthal CLOS FIXE Docker pre-installation script 2015-11-17
38859 UCS Docker troeder CLOS FIXE Generating a certificate fails if len(FQDN) > 64; join stalls 2017-04-07
38763 UCS Docker troeder CLOS FIXE univention-base-files depends on console-setup, but does not specify it 2016-04-26
38714 UCS Docker wiesenthal CLOS FIXE univention-join depends on ping, but does not specify it 2015-11-17
38662 UCS Docker wiesenthal CLOS FIXE univention-join depends on nscd, but does not specify it 2015-11-17
38437 UCS Docker troeder CLOS FIXE Skip IP / MAC / DNS registration while joining a docker container 2015-11-17
38334 UCS Docker troeder CLOS FIXE Make docker containers register their current IP address in LDAP on boot 2015-11-17
38331 UCS Docker troeder CLOS FIXE Make docker containers contact external etcd to query/store domain info 2015-11-17
38295 UCS Docker troeder CLOS FIXE kstash and docker 2015-11-17
38283 UCS Docker gohmann CLOS FIXE Strip down role packages for docker 2015-11-17
38275 UCS Docker wiesenthal CLOS FIXE Make the nameserver and domain setting transparent in the appliance wizard 2015-11-17
38274 UCS Docker troeder CLOS FIXE Nameserver & domainname setting 2015-11-17
38260 UCS Docker requate CLOS FIXE Debian package for UCS-based Docker containers 2015-11-17
38205 UCS Docker requate CLOS FIXE ucs_registerLDAPExtension requires the join script to be installed by a package 2015-11-17
38154 UCS Docker troeder CLOS FIXE Adopt univention-system-setup for docker appliances 2015-11-17
38135 UCS Docker troeder CLOS FIXE /etc/init.d/nscd restart kills nscd daemons in docker containers 2015-11-17
38011 UCS Docker troeder CLOS FIXE UCR is not able to update files bind-mounted by docker 2017-02-02
39312 UCS General gohmann CLOS FIXE Reset errata level 2015-11-17
39247 UCS General best CLOS FIXE Set repository/server to 2015-11-17
39246 UCS General gohmann CLOS FIXE Upload UCS 4.1 to testing 2015-11-17
39223 UCS General best CLOS FIXE UCS 4.1 Codename 2015-11-17
38873 UCS Kernel hahn CLOS FIXE Preview Linux Kernel 4.1 for UCS 4.1 2015-11-17
29482 UCS LDAP best CLOS FIXE Berechtigungen via GSSAPI 2018-04-21
38949 UCS Mail troeder CLOS FIXE number of amavis processes should be configured via ucr 2015-11-17
38948 UCS Mail troeder CLOS FIXE check HELO string against reverse DNS entry 2015-11-17
38875 UCS Samba4 requate CLOS FIXE Preview Samba 4.3 for UCS 4.1 2015-11-17
38800 UCS Samba4 botner CLOS FIXE Raise forest and domain function level 2017-06-01
39213 UCS SAML best CLOS INVA slapd segfault during SASL authentication with cy2_saml 2015-11-17
39315 UCS SAML best CLOS FIXE split crudesaml into pam-saml and cy2saml 2015-11-17
39310 UCS SAML best CLOS FIXE Move service provider definition into LDAP 2015-11-17
39255 UCS SAML best CLOS FIXE simplesamlphp certificates are created in postinst 2015-11-17
39250 UCS SAML best CLOS FIXE simplesamlphp/authsources.php should be a multifile template 2015-11-17
39226 UCS SAML best CLOS FIXE Make AppCenter module SAML ready 2015-11-17
39171 UCS SAML best CLOS FIXE adapt UMC frontend for single sign on 2015-11-17
39015 UCS SAML best CLOS FIXE simplesamlphp: support SPs with multiple endpoints 2015-11-17
38982 UCS SAML best CLOS FIXE update simplesamlphp 2015-11-17
38935 UCS SAML best CLOS FIXE simplesamlphp: ACL evaluation broken 2015-11-17
38934 UCS SAML best CLOS FIXE renaming a SAML service provider doesn't update the user references 2015-11-17
38927 UCS SAML best CLOS FIXE simplesamlphp attributes aren't correctly written into config file 2016-01-13
33912 UCS SAML best CLOS FIXE UCR variable for identity provider id 2015-11-17
39323 UCS System s best CLOS FIXE system-setup: psutil API change 2015-11-17
39184 UCS UMC - Ap wiesenthal CLOS FIXE Unable to install Zarafa Web meetings (Docker) 2015-11-17
29940 UCS UMC - Po botner CLOS WONT remove obsolete policies/desktop policy 2015-11-17
38940 UCS UMC - Us troeder CLOS FIXE The "Contact" tab doesn't allow to set a country 2015-11-17
39271 UCS Update - gohmann CLOS FIXE Adjust / for UCS 4.1-0 2015-11-17
60 bugs found.
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