Sat Sep 21 2024 03:23:59 CEST
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63 bugs found.
ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
30514 UCS@scho UMC - Co best CLOS FIXE lock for computerroom does not get released 2013-06-07
30070 UCS@scho Document schwardt CLOS FIXE Userlogon-Skripte in SysVol-Freigabe werden auf alle Systeme repliziert 2013-06-07
30357 UCS@scho Document schwardt CLOS WORK describe extended attributes for configuring home share server / class share server 2013-06-07
30499 UCS@scho UMC - In schwardt CLOS FIXE UCS@school meta packages should depend on UMC installer 2013-06-07
31555 UCS@scho Samba 4 gohmann CLOS DUPL Join of slave not possible - Samba4 join scripts fail 2013-06-07
30841 UCS@scho UMC - Co klaeser CLOS FIXE Switching computerroom displays merged computer list 2013-06-07
30146 UCS@scho Document schwardt CLOS FIXE Documentation of limits/restrictions for server and school-ou names 2013-06-07
30285 UCS@scho Import s schwardt CLOS FIXE Wrong class / home share server 2013-06-07
31095 UCS@scho Document schwardt CLOS FIXE Verbesserungen Rechnerimport: Import mit Subnetz statt IP, "OU" ist Schulnummer 2013-06-07
30225 UCS@scho UMC - Wi best CLOS FIXE Limit the length of the DC name when creating school 2020-08-24
30325 UCS@scho UMC - Co best CLOS WORK No fallback in presentation mode 2013-06-07
30537 UCS@scho UMC - Co best CLOS WORK Incorrect printmode status is shown in computer room 2013-06-07
30337 UCS@scho General schwardt CLOS FIXE [Product tests] Add test for conversion of a single master to master for multi server scenario 2013-06-07
30338 UCS@scho Document schwardt CLOS FIXE Conversion of a single master to master for multi server scenario 2013-06-07
30497 UCS@scho General schwardt CLOS FIXE old/not-working packages in repository 2013-06-07
31417 UCS@scho Document schwardt CLOS FIXE New default: permission for teachers to create work groups 2013-06-07
27344 UCS@scho UMC - Co geerds CLOS WORK Übernehmen des Computerraum hängt oft 2013-06-07
30251 UCS@scho General best CLOS FIXE district mode 2013-07-22
30268 UCS@scho Document best CLOS FIXE Consistent wording: multi server setup 2013-06-07
30388 UCS@scho UMC - Wi best CLOS FIXE [Setup Wizard - PATCH] Some typos in the german translation 2013-06-07
30484 UCS@scho UMC - Wi best CLOS FIXE Access to school wizards not configurable 2013-06-07
30826 UCS@scho UMC - Wi best CLOS FIXE Add link to udm users/user module 2013-06-07
30928 UCS@scho Proxy se best CLOS FIXE wpad_config breaks apache configuration when uninstalling ucs-school-webproxy 2013-06-07
31156 UCS@scho UMC - Ex best CLOS FIXE Profile directories 2013-06-07
31164 UCS@scho UMC - Ex best CLOS FIXE Add end time to exam 2013-06-07
31191 UCS@scho UMC - In best CLOS DUPL Typos on the installer's final page 2013-06-07
31248 UCS@scho UMC - Co best CLOS INVA UMC module computerroom currently does not show any computers in the room 2013-06-07
31286 UCS@scho UMC - Co best CLOS FIXE Mouseover screenshots not working (?) 2013-06-07
31323 UCS@scho UMC - In best CLOS FIXE Installer fails to create a new OU 2013-06-07
31335 UCS@scho UMC - Co best CLOS FIXE lock screen for selected computers 2013-06-07
31336 UCS@scho UMC - Co best CLOS FIXE Move "stop presentation" button above the grid 2013-06-07
31128 UCS@scho UMC - In klaeser CLOS FIXE schoolinstaller does not recognize errors 2013-06-07
31158 UCS@scho UMC - Ex klaeser CLOS FIXE Refine exam mode 2013-06-07
31163 UCS@scho UMC - Ex klaeser CLOS FIXE Wait for computers to be restarted 2013-06-07
31217 UCS@scho Import s klaeser CLOS WORK adding user who already exists in a different school moves existing account 2013-06-07
31258 UCS@scho UMC - Co klaeser CLOS FIXE settings are not correctly displayed 2013-06-07
31359 UCS@scho Document klaeser CLOS FIXE Exam mode / Klassenarbeitsmodus 2013-06-07
31364 UCS@scho Document klaeser CLOS FIXE Exam mode: GPO/profile recommendation 2013-06-07
31418 UCS@scho UMC - Ex klaeser CLOS DUPL Upload dialog is not empty if second exam is started 2013-06-07
31454 UCS@scho UMC - Co klaeser CLOS FIXE Broken connection status if computerroom module is opened multiple times 2013-06-07
31582 UCS@scho Document klaeser CLOS FIXE Update screenshots for computer room module 2013-06-07
31272 UCS@scho Samba 4 requate CLOS FIXE turn off periodic fACLs reset for "Authenticated Users" (sysvol-sync) 2013-06-07
31389 UCS@scho UMC - Ex requate CLOS FIXE Exam user accounts cannot be created 2013-06-07
31420 UCS@scho Samba 4 requate CLOS INVA exam-user cannot be modified by S4 Connector on Slave PDC 2013-06-07
31438 UCS@scho Samba 4 requate CLOS FIXE Make sysvol readable for members of the group "Enterprise Domain Controllers" 2013-06-07
31537 UCS@scho UMC - Ex requate CLOS FIXE sambaHomePath not adjusted for exam user 2013-06-07
31566 UCS@scho UMC - Ex requate CLOS FIXE GPO README contains dead link 2013-06-07
31578 UCS@scho Samba 4 requate CLOS FIXE Slave PDC sysvol Policies GPO ownership not correct after setup via UCS@school wizard 2013-06-07
21126 UCS@scho Import s schwardt CLOS FIXE Bei abweichendem Namensschema wird zusätzliches SchulDC-Objekt wird angelegt 2013-06-07
27351 UCS@scho UMC - He schwardt CLOS FIXE UCRV ucsschool/helpdesk/recipient hat keine Beschreibung 2013-06-07
27521 UCS@scho Import s schwardt CLOS FIXE Bei einer Singlemaster wählt das create_ou-Skript den falschen DC-Namen 2013-06-07
30866 UCS@scho iTALC schwardt CLOS FIXE UCS@school should provide its own iTALC build on a samba share 2013-08-27
30966 UCS@scho Document schwardt CLOS FIXE Missing DHCP option on noneducational server/DC im Verwaltungsnetz 2013-06-07
31069 UCS@scho Document schwardt CLOS FIXE Manual for UCS@school 3.1R2 2013-06-07
31100 UCS@scho Document schwardt CLOS FIXE Kapitelstruktur unter "Einrichtung einer Schule" ist verwirrend 2013-06-07
31229 UCS@scho UMC - Ex schwardt CLOS FIXE schoolexam-master should call ldap-group-to-file after group membership changes. 2013-06-07
31315 UCS@scho Document schwardt CLOS FIXE [manual] UCS@school should provide its own iTALC build on a samba share 2013-06-07
31381 UCS@scho UMC - Ex schwardt CLOS FIXE Temporary objects with special object class should not be counted in license check 2013-06-07
31391 UCS@scho UMC - Co schwardt CLOS WORK empty room after switching to the same room 2013-06-07
31419 UCS@scho UMC - Ex schwardt CLOS FIXE teachers are not allowed to use the "start exam" UMC module 2013-06-07
31441 UCS@scho General schwardt CLOS FIXE Update removes univention-samba 2013-06-07
31520 UCS@scho General schwardt CLOS FIXE Check dependencies to UCS errata 2013-06-07
31588 UCS@scho UMC - Ex schwardt CLOS FIXE Strip blacklisted attributes from exam user 2013-06-07
63 bugs found.
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