Sun Jun 2 2024 21:32:05 CEST
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This result was limited to 500 bugs. See all search results for this query.
ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
29456 UCS Virtuali hahn CLOS FIXE Aktualisierung der GPLPV-Treiber 2013-11-19
31373 UCS Virtuali jmm CLOS FIXE univention-xen depends on transition package univention-kernel-image-2.6.32-xen 2013-11-19
32450 UCS Virtuali hahn CLOS FIXE Xen unjoin script 2013-11-19
30540 UCS Virtuali hahn CLOS FIXE Integration eines JavaScript VNC-Clients in UVMM 2013-11-19
32261 UCS Virtuali hahn CLOS FIXE Profile für UCS 3.2 2013-11-19
19281 UCS Virtuali hahn CLOS FIXE Überprüfung der verfügbaren Größe im Pool 2013-11-19
32951 UCS Virtuali botner CLOS FIXE uvmm daemon unjoin script fails in a s4 environment 2013-11-19
30653 UCS Virtuali hahn CLOS WORK UVMM -> Paravirtualisierung mit KVM und LVM nicht auswählbar 2013-11-19
24774 UCS Virtuali hahn CLOS FIXE Profil als Drop-Down im LDAP anzeigen 2013-11-19
32449 UCS Virtuali hahn CLOS FIXE UVMM unjoin script 2013-11-19
32091 UCS Virtuali hahn CLOS FIXE UVMM code cleanup (bugs in python scripts) 2013-11-19
33006 UCS Virtuali hahn CLOS FIXE Prevent Univention-System-Setup network configuration while KVM/Xen is in use. 2013-12-10
27717 UCS Virtuali hahn CLOS FIXE VirtIO Treiber aktualisieren 2013-11-19
28738 UCS Virtuali hahn CLOS DUPL VirtIO Treiber für Windows 8 2013-11-19
30413 UCS Virtuali hahn CLOS WONT installation of windows 8 32bit not possible with kvm 2013-11-19
32448 UCS Virtuali hahn CLOS FIXE KVM unjoin script 2013-11-19
29849 UCS Virtuali hahn CLOS FIXE qemu-kvm_1.1.2+dpsg-3 oder neuer für UCS-3.1-x 2013-11-19
33126 UCS manu Virtuali jmm CLOS FIXE German text in english manual 2015-04-01
32725 UCS manu Virtuali jmm CLOS FIXE Aktualisierung der GPLPV-Treiber 2015-04-01
32914 UCS manu Virtuali jmm CLOS FIXE Integration eines JavaScript VNC-Clients in UVMM 2015-04-01
32723 UCS manu Virtuali jmm CLOS FIXE VirtIO Treiber aktualisieren 2015-04-01
22966 UCS manu Virtuali hahn CLOS WORK VLAN-Tagging funktioniert nicht mit dem virtuellen Realtek-Treiber 2017-05-09
31872 UCS manu User man jmm CLOS FIXE Update documentation for univention-admingrp-user-passwordreset 2015-04-01
32907 UCS manu User man jmm CLOS FIXE UDM: Anlegen von Benutzern mittels Wizard 2015-04-01
32343 UCS manu User man jmm CLOS FIXE Benutzer mit Leerzeichen im Namen können angelegt werden, Anmeldung klappt aber nicht 2015-04-01
32090 UCS manu User man jmm CLOS FIXE Password policy chapter should mention values to disable history/lenght/interval 2015-04-01
32851 UCS Test Updater hahn CLOS FIXE Test case 09_updater/54component-scripts-fail fails 2013-11-19
31773 UCS Test Updater hahn CLOS FIXE Updater tests fail "randomly" 2014-01-29
31079 Z_SDB Update n gohmann CLOS FIXE Artikel um S4-Connector erweitern 2013-11-19
31517 Z_SDB Update n gohmann CLOS FIXE Updated/remove SDB-Article about Hooks: Link to 3.1-2 Developer Docs 2013-11-19
32398 UCS Update - wiesenthal CLOS FIXE Use dedicated functions for registering the app in univention-add-app 2013-11-19
32236 UCS Update - hahn CLOS FIXE Reset version/erratalevel=0 for UCS-3.2 2013-11-19
25374 UCS Update - hahn CLOS DUPL Variablenbeschreibung für repository/online/server 2013-11-19
33415 UCS Update - jmm CLOS FIXE Point the user to release notes at 2013-11-19
29262 UCS Update - schwez CLOS FIXE Fehlendes a2dissite in univention-debmirror 2013-11-19
25674 UCS Update - requate CLOS FIXE Vor Update LDAP-Konsistenz prüfen 2013-11-19
32657 UCS Update - botner CLOS FIXE update fails due to grub: grub-probe: Fehler: Kanonischer Pfad von »« konnte nicht ermittelt werden 2013-11-19
31676 UCS Update - gohmann CLOS FIXE Adjust & to UCS 3.2 2013-11-19
32834 UCS Update - ucs-maintainers CLOS DUPL update32/pruneoldkernel 2018-04-14
29263 UCS univenti schwez CLOS FIXE call_joinscript sollte ausgeben welches Joinscript aufgerufen wird 2013-11-19
31261 UCS univenti wiesenthal CLOS FIXE PackageManager does not check installation state intensively 2013-11-19
32578 UCS univenti botner CLOS FIXE ucs_isServiceUnused & selective replication 2013-11-19
31058 UCS univenti wiesenthal CLOS FIXE Include UMCConnection from app center + school exam module code into univention-lib 2013-11-19
26785 UCS univenti requate CLOS FIXE Schema Update auf einem Slave/Backup 2014-03-20
32392 UCS univenti requate CLOS FIXE ucs_registerLDAPACL library function 2014-03-20
32401 UCS univenti requate CLOS FIXE ucs_registerUDMHook library function 2014-03-20
32404 UCS univenti requate CLOS FIXE ucs_registerUDMSyntax library function 2014-03-20
32407 UCS univenti requate CLOS FIXE ucs_registerUDMModule library function 2014-03-20
32617 UCS univenti walkenhorst CLOS FIXE Switch to ReconnectLDAPObject 2019-02-20
30158 UCS UMC - VN best CLOS FIXE Removal of the VNC UMC module 2013-11-19
32044 UCS UMC - Vi hahn CLOS FIXE Notizfeld 2013-11-19
32098 UCS UMC - Vi hahn CLOS FIXE UVMM shows "default"-storage at instance while other storage is configured 2013-11-19
32673 UCS UMC - Vi best CLOS DUPL UMC/UVMM Usability 2013-11-19
30806 UCS UMC - Vi hahn CLOS FIXE Interface-edit does not read model: always defaults to RealTek 2013-11-19
32751 UCS UMC - Vi best CLOS FIXE Add important actions as icon button into data row 2013-11-19
27778 UCS UMC - Vi hahn CLOS FIXE Speicherangabe wird nicht validiert 2013-11-19
24579 UCS UMC - Vi hahn CLOS FIXE Erstellen einer virtuellen Instanz sollte gewählten Server vorauswählen 2013-11-19
31284 UCS UMC - Us best CLOS DUPL Rename UMC group name in users module 2013-11-19
17890 UCS UMC - Us wiesenthal CLOS FIXE "Passwort bei der nächsten Anmeldung ändern" Code auf aktuelles Samba anpassen 2013-11-19
28671 UCS UMC - Us botner CLOS FIXE AD-Connector nutzt UDM-Syntax-Overwrite aus UCR-Variablen nicht 2013-11-19
30342 UCS UMC - Us walter CLOS FIXE udm users/user returns broken jpegPhoto data (double base64 encoded) 2013-11-19
30981 UCS UMC - Us walter CLOS FIXE Unsalted user password hashes in pwhistory 2013-11-19
16848 UCS UMC - Sy wiesenthal CLOS FIXE UMC-Systemdienste-Modul zeigt Postgres-Dienst falsch an 2013-11-19
30548 UCS UMC - So wiesenthal CLOS FIXE Display App Center updates in UMC 2015-11-27
33426 UCS UMC - So klaeser CLOS FIXE UMC server crashes upon login if it is not restarted after the update 2023-03-25
28787 UCS UMC - So best CLOS FIXE Typos im Software monitor UMC-Modul 2013-11-19
29655 UCS UMC - So best CLOS DUPL Auswahlwidgets inkonsistent/unvollständig 2013-11-19
30967 UCS UMC - So best CLOS FIXE Revise software monitor module 2013-11-19
32333 UCS UMC - So best CLOS DUPL Package states triggers-awaited and triggers-pending are not supported 2013-11-19
29656 UCS UMC - So best CLOS DUPL Typo: "erfaßt" → "erfasst" 2013-11-19
24633 UCS UMC - So best CLOS DUPL Sinnlose Suchen 2013-11-19
28804 UCS UMC - So best CLOS FIXE Cache Verhalten PKGDB Modul 2013-11-19
24360 UCS UMC - So best CLOS DUPL Die Auswahlmasken im Software Monitor sind inkonsistent 2013-11-19
29610 UCS UMC - So best CLOS DUPL Suche nach Paketen wirft einen Fehler 2013-11-19
23685 UCS UMC - Sh best CLOS DUPL Umbenennen von Samba-Performance 2013-11-19
32882 UCS UMC - Sh damrose CLOS FIXE Improve Share module layout / texts 2013-11-19
29552 UCS UMC - Sh best CLOS FIXE Englischer Tooltip an Feld "Dateimodus" unter Freigaben>"Erweiterte Samba Rechte" 2013-11-19
15087 UCS UMC - Sh damrose CLOS FIXE Samba-Freigaben: Setzen von SUID, SGID und Sticky Bit auf dem Reiter Samba-Erweiterte-Rechte 2013-11-19
24242 UCS UMC - Sh best CLOS DUPL Freigaben-Reiter umbennen 2013-11-19
18708 UCS UMC - Sh damrose CLOS FIXE Erweitere Optionen für NFS-Exports 2017-07-28
32749 UCS UMC - Re best CLOS FIXE Action "create report" is not relating to selection 2013-11-19
25961 UCS UMC - Pr klaeser CLOS DUPL Server Drop-Down inkonsistent 2013-11-19
25216 UCS UMC - Pr best CLOS FIXE UMC-Web Modul printers sollte nur Server anbieten, die Service Print registriert haben 2013-11-19
32161 UCS UMC - Pr klaeser CLOS DUPL Description of Printer module is not meaningful 2013-11-19
23698 UCS UMC - Po wiesenthal CLOS FIXE Passwort: Verbesserung der Erklärungen 2013-11-19
23697 UCS UMC - Po wiesenthal CLOS FIXE Paketpflege: Verbesserung der Beschreibungen 2013-11-19
23691 UCS UMC - Po best CLOS FIXE DHCP-Richtlinien: Auswahlen übersetzen 2013-11-19
23695 UCS UMC - Po wiesenthal CLOS FIXE Druckquota: Angabe von Einheiten 2013-11-19
21997 UCS UMC - Po best CLOS FIXE Schreibweise von Grafikkarte in Display-Richtlinie 2013-11-19
31017 UCS UMC - Po wiesenthal CLOS FIXE policies/repositoryserver: repositoryServer shows first server grayed out 2013-11-19
24028 UCS UMC - Ma wiesenthal CLOS FIXE Objektnamen im Mail-Modul anpassen 2013-11-19
24642 UCS UMC - LD best CLOS FIXE Löschen der LDAP-Base 2013-11-19
29680 UCS UMC - Gr wiesenthal CLOS FIXE remove of last group member leads to an empty uniqueMember attribute 2013-11-19
33150 UCS UMC - Gr klaeser CLOS FIXE Change in group membership revokes UMC ACLs for Domain Admins 2013-11-19
24870 UCS UMC - Gr best CLOS DUPL "enthaltene Gruppe" sollte "enthaltene Gruppen" heißen 2013-11-19
32767 UCS UMC - Gr gohmann CLOS FIXE Adjust UCS and AD groups 2016-06-02
25008 UCS UMC - Do best CLOS FIXE UMC-UDM: Klick auf neu angelegte Superordinates öffnet Detailseite 2013-11-19
32753 UCS UMC - Do wiesenthal CLOS FIXE Remove label "Default properties" from simplified search 2013-11-19
32381 UCS UMC - Do best CLOS FIXE Revise DHCP and DNS representation 2013-11-19
32877 UCS UMC - Do klaeser CLOS FIXE Opening a user stalls when the objectFlag is integrated in the layout 2013-11-19
31885 UCS UMC - Do klaeser CLOS FIXE [Piwik] Log save and cancel action for a new UDM object 2013-11-19
25465 UCS UMC - Do wiesenthal CLOS FIXE Verschieben von ~2000 Objekten 2013-11-19
33112 UCS UMC - Do wiesenthal CLOS DUPL [IE8] Wizard does not work 2013-11-19
32750 UCS UMC - Do wiesenthal CLOS FIXE Hide internal UDM objects 2013-11-19
33115 UCS UMC - Do wiesenthal CLOS DUPL Wizard is positioned incorrectly 2013-11-19
29713 UCS UMC - Do best CLOS FIXE Lizenzimport über Datei scheint nicht zu funktionieren 2013-11-19
32978 UCS UMC - Do klaeser CLOS FIXE It takes too long to open a user 2013-11-19
33116 UCS UMC - Do wiesenthal CLOS DUPL After creating a computer via the wizard, the field "name" is marked as invalid 2013-11-19
21518 UCS UMC - Do best CLOS DUPL Sammelbug für kleinere Typos und Übersetzungsfehler im UDM-Webinterface 2013-11-19
32168 UCS UMC - Do wiesenthal CLOS FIXE Tooltips are not shown 2013-11-19
25500 UCS UMC - Do best CLOS FIXE Leere, benötigte Felder werden bei leerem Wert nicht gekennzeichnet 2014-02-16
29418 UCS UMC - Do gohmann CLOS FIXE Skript zum anlegen einer großen Testumgebung 2019-03-05
9927 UCS UMC - Do best CLOS FIXE UMC/Domänenbeitritt: Dialog sollte auf Neustart hinweisen 2013-11-19
29498 UCS UMC - DN wiesenthal CLOS FIXE Grid reloads when having Superordinates 2013-11-19
24661 UCS UMC - DN walter CLOS FIXE PTR-Record-Objekttyp sollte "Pointer Record" heissen, nicht "Pointer" 2013-11-19
29557 UCS UMC - DN klaeser CLOS DUPL Neu angelegte DNS-Zone nicht sofort als Superordinate auswählbar 2013-11-19
29568 UCS UMC - DN walter CLOS FIXE Mehrere Nameserver pro Zone: Fehlerhafter Punkt am Ende 2022-10-12
25389 UCS UMC - DH wiesenthal CLOS FIXE Felder in policy/dhcp_routing nicht ausgerichtet 2013-11-19
32151 UCS UMC - DH walter CLOS WORK Cannot remove dynamic addresses 2013-11-19
31435 UCS UMC - Co walter CLOS FIXE Rename of computer objects does not work 2013-11-19
29480 UCS UMC - Ba best CLOS FIXE Info über UMC-Server neustart beim Ändern des SSL Zertifikats 2013-11-19
32471 UCS UMC - Ba wiesenthal CLOS FIXE AppCenter-ify software page of System setup 2013-11-19
29119 UCS UMC - Ba best CLOS FIXE Erweiterte Netzwerkkonfiguration - Link zur Doku 2013-11-19
31526 UCS UMC - Ba best CLOS WORK Appliance: meaningless errormessage when no DNS is available 2013-11-19
30776 UCS UMC - Ba best CLOS FIXE Wrong SDB URL displayed when changing SSL root certificate in the English version of UMC 2013-11-19
29658 UCS UMC - Ba best CLOS FIXE Domäne für SSL email wird nicht automatisch übernommen 2013-11-19
31021 UCS UMC - Ba best CLOS FIXE Unhelpful message 2013-11-19
33393 UCS UMC - Ba klaeser CLOS FIXE Finishing the appliance mode does not reload UMC 2013-11-19
33093 UCS UMC - Ba klaeser CLOS FIXE Appliance mode: two tabs are shown + flag icons are displayed as buttons 2013-11-19
30773 UCS UMC - Ba best CLOS FIXE Inconsistent use of short names for server roles 2013-11-19
32949 UCS UMC - Ba best CLOS FIXE Cannot delete multiple interfaces at once 2013-11-19
30883 UCS UMC - Ba best CLOS DUPL UMC Basic settings does not load if vlan is configured 2013-11-19
29973 UCS UMC - Ba best CLOS FIXE Redirect to new IP during system-setup not reliable enough 2013-11-19
30816 UCS UMC - Ba best CLOS FIXE Support of VLAN, Bonding, Bridges 2013-11-19
30878 UCS UMC - Ba best CLOS FIXE Data representation of interfaces for the frontend 2013-11-19
32148 UCS UMC - Ba wiesenthal CLOS FIXE Progress of software installation/removal incorrect 2013-11-19
30884 UCS UMC - Ba best CLOS DUPL UMC Network: dhcp query does not update dns server 2013-11-19
28574 UCS UMC - Ba best CLOS FIXE [system-setup] Validierung endet in Endlosschleife 2013-12-09
33389 UCS UMC - Ba klaeser CLOS FIXE "System not joined" notification is displayed in Appliance mode 2014-11-27
30629 UCS UMC - Ap wiesenthal CLOS FIXE No Key ID request on memberserver 2013-11-19
31856 UCS UMC - Ap wiesenthal CLOS FIXE MinPhysicalRAM should be tested only when installing a app, not during an update 2013-11-19
32308 UCS UMC - Ap wiesenthal CLOS FIXE Allow apps without repository 2013-11-19
31886 UCS UMC - Ap wiesenthal CLOS FIXE Session should be kept active after installation/uninstallation 2013-11-19
32426 UCS UMC - Ap wiesenthal CLOS FIXE Show apps on defined server role 2013-11-19
32609 UCS UMC - Ap wiesenthal CLOS FIXE Set UCR variables for start site when installing a new app 2013-11-19
31908 UCS UMC - Ap wiesenthal CLOS FIXE Include UMCConnection from app center + school exam module code into univention-lib 2013-11-19
31228 UCS UMC - Ap wiesenthal CLOS FIXE Speedup update of application 2013-11-19
30759 UCS UMC - Ap wiesenthal CLOS FIXE Misleading "Open" option in App Center overview 2013-11-19
29594 UCS UMC - Ap wiesenthal CLOS WORK Mehrfache App Installation / Deinstallation 2013-11-19
31803 UCS UMC - Ap wiesenthal CLOS FIXE Show info message after app installation 2013-11-19
32930 UCS UMC - Ap wiesenthal CLOS FIXE Search in LongDescription of app 2013-11-19
32389 UCS UMC - Ap best CLOS FIXE Merge license dialog + App center activation dialog 2013-11-19
30176 UCS UMC - Ap wiesenthal CLOS DUPL Allow HTML code in README_UPDATE 2013-11-19
32163 UCS UMC - Ap wiesenthal CLOS FIXE Show "prohibiting message" in popup dialog 2013-11-19
31737 UCS UMC - Ap wiesenthal CLOS FIXE never ever show installation button if app is already installed 2013-11-19
29864 UCS UMC - Ap wiesenthal CLOS DUPL Parallele Installationen werden nicht verhindert 2013-11-19
32502 UCS UMC - Ap wiesenthal CLOS FIXE Show info message before app uninstallation 2013-11-19
30289 UCS UMC - Ap wiesenthal CLOS FIXE Only the first error is shown when an app cannot be installed 2013-11-19
31891 UCS UMC - Ap wiesenthal CLOS FIXE Cleanup appcenter/AppCenterPage 2013-11-19
31185 UCS UMC - Ap wiesenthal CLOS FIXE HTML in app description is not possible 2013-11-19
28741 UCS UMC - Ap klaeser CLOS DUPL Joinskripte ausführen 2013-11-19
24903 UCS UMC - AD damrose CLOS FIXE Hinweis-Text im AD-Wizard überarbeiten 2013-11-19
19109 UCS UMC - AD damrose CLOS WORK AD-Connector UMC Modul erkennt FQDN nicht als gültigen Wert an 2013-11-19
28059 UCS UMC (Gen gohmann CLOS FIXE Optimierung der internen ACL-Auswertung 2013-11-19
27827 UCS UMC (Gen klaeser CLOS DUPL Verhindern des ungewollten Schließens von umc.dialog.confirm()-Dialogen 2013-11-19
32972 UCS UMC (Gen klaeser CLOS FIXE [iPad] put "sometimes" fails on mobile Safari 2013-11-19
32022 UCS UMC (Gen walter CLOS FIXE Revise UMC module descriptions 2013-11-19
32777 UCS UMC (Gen best CLOS DUPL Grid actions not aligned vertically 2013-11-19
32218 UCS UMC (Gen klaeser CLOS FIXE Usability: button look 2013-11-19
32170 UCS UMC (Gen klaeser CLOS DUPL Font size of notifications is very small 2013-11-19
32610 UCS UMC (Gen klaeser CLOS FIXE Adapt UMC header to new design of UCS start site 2013-11-19
32318 UCS UMC (Gen best CLOS FIXE CSS adjustments 2013-11-19
32299 UCS UMC (Gen best CLOS FIXE Reload XML files for module meta information upon login (e.g. to update the list of ""Installed Applications") 2013-11-19
25347 UCS UMC (Gen klaeser CLOS DUPL Ausrichtung UMC Buttons 2013-11-19
31639 UCS UMC (Gen klaeser CLOS FIXE Update to Dojo 1.9 2013-11-19
32784 UCS UMC (Gen best CLOS FIXE ucs overview page: active element is underlined 2013-11-19
32023 UCS UMC (Gen klaeser CLOS FIXE UMC overview: add context menu for adding/removing favorites 2013-11-19
24422 UCS UMC (Gen schwardt CLOS FIXE Single-Sign-On for UMC 2013-11-19
22831 UCS UMC (Gen geerds CLOS FIXE [Reboot] Text im Neustart Modul 2013-11-19
26418 UCS UMC (Gen best CLOS FIXE Überarbeitung der Ergebnisliste und der Buttons 2013-11-19
32748 UCS UMC (Gen klaeser CLOS DUPL Adapt buttons 2013-11-19
24727 UCS UMC (Gen best CLOS FIXE Textanpassungen in den UMC-Modulen #2 2013-11-19
31056 UCS UMC (Gen wiesenthal CLOS FIXE User friendly way to report tracebacks 2013-11-19
32782 UCS UMC (Gen best CLOS FIXE unable to build univention-management-console-frontend-doc 2013-11-19
30811 UCS UMC (Gen klaeser CLOS FIXE Welcome/startup dialog on evaluation systems 2013-11-19
31293 UCS UMC (Gen klaeser CLOS FIXE Fix test script 2013-11-19
31699 UCS UMC (Gen klaeser CLOS FIXE Revise UMC overview site 2013-11-19
32678 UCS UMC (Gen walter CLOS FIXE Update languages.json location and remove file from univention-management-console-frontend 2013-11-19
32565 UCS UMC (Gen wiesenthal CLOS FIXE UMC Server dies when newly installed UDM module uses newly installed UDM syntax 2013-11-19
31377 UCS UMC (Gen best CLOS FIXE After installing UCS with Austrian German locale, only login in English is possible 2013-11-19
23214 UCS UMC (Gen wiesenthal CLOS FIXE UDM: Anlegen von Benutzern mittels Wizard 2013-11-19
31752 UCS UMC (Gen best CLOS FIXE UMC server does not reload UCR variables due to error in pyinotify.WatchManager 2013-11-19
30744 UCS UMC (Gen best CLOS FIXE Link to UMC of other UCS systems 2013-11-19
29118 UCS UMC (Gen klaeser CLOS WORK [iPad] UMC nicht scrollbar 2013-11-19
30004 UCS UMC (Gen klaeser CLOS FIXE Representation of system notifications 2013-11-19
32140 UCS UMC (Gen klaeser CLOS FIXE Module loading can sometimes ignore modules 2013-11-19
31991 UCS UMC (Gen klaeser CLOS DUPL Request Key ID 2013-11-19
32048 UCS UMC (Gen best CLOS FIXE Add keywords to UMC modules 2013-11-19
10084 UCS UMC (Gen klaeser CLOS DUPL Links auf overview-Seite aus Webinterfaces 2013-11-19
32820 UCS UMC (Gen best CLOS FIXE Error page with deactivated JavaScript 2013-11-19
32672 UCS UMC (Gen best CLOS DUPL grid selection differs between browsers 2013-11-19
28227 UCS UMC (Gen klaeser CLOS WORK Inkorrektes Verhalten von umc.widgets.Form.onValuesInitialized 2013-11-19
33333 UCS UMC (Gen klaeser CLOS FIXE UMC overview: You are root warning does not take join status into account 2013-11-19
32902 UCS UMC (Gen wiesenthal CLOS FIXE MultiInput does not set value correctly 2013-11-19
31376 UCS UMC (Gen klaeser CLOS FIXE Large MultiInput loads slow (-> progress needed) and heavy (-> relaxation needed) 2013-11-19
32607 UCS UMC (Gen best CLOS FIXE User with ACL for user UMC module cannot see any modules 2014-08-05
31523 UCS UMC (Gen best CLOS FIXE eval() → getattr() 2021-06-23
28260 UCS UMC (Gen best CLOS FIXE UMC-Module sollten PatternSanitizer als filter benutzen, weil RegexDoS 2021-06-23
32747 UCS Test UMC gohmann CLOS FIXE 60_umc/03_acls: Test case fails 2013-11-19
32271 UCS Test UMC best CLOS FIXE Test case for UMCP command umc/object/policies 2014-07-08
32059 UCS manu UMC jmm CLOS FIXE Revise UMC overview site 2015-04-01
32908 UCS manu UMC jmm CLOS FIXE Überarbeitung der Ergebnisliste und der Buttons 2015-04-01
30658 UCS manu UMC jmm CLOS FIXE policy: "umc" should be documented like before 2015-04-01
29481 UCS manu UMC jmm CLOS FIXE Abbildung 4.1 (Login-Dialog) sehr klein 2015-04-01
32913 UCS manu UMC jmm CLOS FIXE Representation of system notifications 2015-04-01
32928 UCS manu UMC jmm CLOS FIXE Hide special users and groups 2015-04-01
32915 UCS manu UMC jmm CLOS FIXE Welcome/startup dialog on evaluation systems 2015-04-01
32918 UCS manu UMC jmm CLOS FIXE Merge license dialog + App center activation dialog 2015-04-01
32362 UCS manu UMC jmm CLOS FIXE Link to UMC of other UCS systems 2015-04-01
32922 UCS manu UMC jmm CLOS FIXE Action "create report" is not relating to selection 2015-04-01
32733 UCS manu UMC jmm CLOS FIXE Request Key ID 2015-04-01
32374 UCS manu UMC jmm CLOS FIXE UMC overview: add context menu for adding/removing favorites 2015-04-01
32721 UCS manu UMC jmm CLOS DUPL Single-Sign-On for UMC 2017-05-09
32925 UCS manu UMC jmm CLOS DUPL Remove label "Default properties" from simplified search 2017-05-09
31302 UCS UDM - Ex walter CLOS FIXE required=1 is not enforced on multivalue extended attributes 2013-11-19
31225 UCS UDM - Ex klaeser CLOS DUPL Modules in Extended Attributes do not list Computers: Linux and Ubuntu 2013-11-19
27948 UCS UDM - Ex walter CLOS FIXE In den Beschreibungen für settings/extended_attribute wird noch vom UDM Web gesprochen 2013-11-19
29882 UCS UDM - Ex klaeser CLOS DUPL AttributeError: 'EA_Layout' object has no attribute 'label' 2013-11-19
28629 UCS UDM - Ex walter CLOS FIXE Layoutmöglichkeiten für Extended Attributes überarbeiten 2019-03-13
29074 UCS UDM - CL hahn CLOS FIXE udm-cli-server: Irreführende Fehlermeldung beim Anlegen des Socket-Verzeichnisses 2013-11-19
30974 UCS UDM - CL hahn CLOS FIXE Cleanup for udm-cli-server and udm-cli-client 2013-11-19
32592 UCS UDM - CL walter CLOS FIXE univention-dnsedit fails to remove last service record 2013-11-19
32671 UCS UDM - CL botner CLOS FIXE appcenter/app create fails on i386 2013-11-19
32853 UCS UDM - CL gohmann CLOS FIXE Can't create group without samba option via CLI 2013-11-19
31408 UCS UDM (Gen botner CLOS FIXE Set univentionObjectFlag via UDM 2013-11-19
32409 UCS UDM (Gen requate CLOS FIXE UDM module settings/udm_module 2013-11-19
32412 UCS UDM (Gen requate CLOS FIXE UDM module settings/ldapschema 2013-11-19
32084 UCS UDM (Gen wiesenthal CLOS FIXE AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'lookup_filter' 2013-11-19
29108 UCS UDM (Gen gohmann CLOS DUPL univention-directory-manager-module-example überarbeiten 2013-11-19
32665 UCS UDM (Gen requate CLOS FIXE Unable to create ldapacl and ldapschema object in cn=univention 2013-11-19
30903 UCS UDM (Gen walter CLOS FIXE Broken ldap authentication in proof_dns_dhcp_records 2013-11-19
32403 UCS UDM (Gen requate CLOS FIXE UDM module settings/udm_hook 2013-11-19
32406 UCS UDM (Gen requate CLOS FIXE UDM module settings/udm_syntax 2013-11-19
32411 UCS UDM (Gen requate CLOS FIXE UDM module settings/ldapacl 2013-11-19
32963 UCS UDM (Gen wiesenthal CLOS DUPL UDM: Anlegen von Benutzern mittels Wizard 2013-11-19
32871 UCS UDM (Gen gohmann CLOS FIXE Hide special users and groups 2013-12-06
31653 UCS Test UDM walter CLOS FIXE Adoption of udm-dns tests from ucs-3.0 2013-11-19
31041 UCS Test UDM walter CLOS FIXE Changing network object modifies too many reverse zones 2013-11-19
31661 UCS Test UDM walter CLOS FIXE Adoption of udm-extendedattribute tests from ucs-3.0 2013-11-19
31654 UCS Test UDM walter CLOS FIXE Adoption of udm-dhcp tests from ucs-3.0 2013-11-19
32554 UCS Test UDM schwardt CLOS FIXE ucs_registerUDMModule library function 2013-11-19
31656 UCS Test UDM walter CLOS FIXE Adoption of udm-printers tests from ucs-3.0 2013-11-19
31657 UCS Test UDM walter CLOS FIXE Adoption of udm-groups tests from ucs-3.0 2013-11-19
31655 UCS Test UDM walter CLOS FIXE Adoption of udm-containers tests from ucs-3.0 2013-11-19
31659 UCS Test UDM walter CLOS FIXE Adoption of udm-computers tests from ucs-3.0 2013-11-19
31652 UCS Test UDM walter CLOS FIXE Adoption of udm-users tests from ucs-3.0 2013-11-19
32556 UCS Test UDM schwardt CLOS FIXE ucs_registerUDMHook library function 2013-11-19
31660 UCS Test UDM walter CLOS FIXE Adoption of udm-general tests from ucs-3.0 2013-11-19
31658 UCS Test UDM walter CLOS FIXE Adoption of udm-net tests from ucs-3.0 2013-11-19
32555 UCS Test UDM schwardt CLOS FIXE ucs_registerUDMSyntax library function 2013-11-19
26183 UCS ucslint schwardt CLOS FIXE Auslagern von univentionspezifischen Tests in eigenes Paket 2013-11-19
30929 UCS manu UCS scen docu-maintainers CLOS FIXE Update the cliparts in the illustrations 2015-04-01
30930 UCS manu UCS scen walter CLOS FIXE Update UCS@school UMC screenshots for 3.2 2015-04-01
1156 UCS UCS Net walkenhorst CLOS FIXE Vormerkung fuer automatische UCS-Installation muss manuell entfernt werden 2013-11-19
32228 UCS UCS Net hahn CLOS FIXE Univention Net Installer in 3.2 fails to mount its NFS share 2013-11-19
29469 UCS UCS Inst botner CLOS FIXE [Profilbasierte Installation] Profilvariable "scan" setzt hostname nicht richtig 2013-11-19
30982 UCS UCS Inst requate CLOS FIXE Uninstalling univention-samba4 leaves samba4 on server 2013-11-19
29497 UCS UCS Inst botner CLOS WORK [Expert installer] Loadscreen endlos nach Installation mit cryptsetup 2013-11-19
31825 UCS UCS Inst botner CLOS FIXE remove special handling for oxae in the installer 2013-11-19
24648 UCS UCS Inst botner CLOS FIXE Erzeugung eines fehlerhaften Installationsprofils 2013-11-19
24361 UCS UCS Inst botner CLOS FIXE [univention-installer] language: Swedish vor A 2013-11-19
24892 UCS UCS Inst botner CLOS WORK Typo im Verweis auf Univention Webseiten 2013-11-19
24442 UCS UCS Inst botner CLOS FIXE Abfrage des Windows-Domänen-Namens auf Nicht-Master nicht anzeigen 2013-11-19
32632 UCS UCS Inst botner CLOS FIXE Installer chooses wrong device for bootloader installation 2013-11-19
31899 UCS UCS Inst schwardt CLOS FIXE Installer unable to detect harddrive when windows 7 was pre-installed 2013-11-19
24904 UCS UCS Inst botner CLOS FIXE Umlaute im Installer 2013-11-19
31705 UCS UCS Inst schwardt CLOS FIXE auto partition should not use all hard disks 2013-11-19
23903 UCS UCS Inst hahn CLOS FIXE Fehlermeldung inkorrekt: "Root-Passwort" statt "Join-Passwort" 2013-11-19
31965 UCS UCS Inst hahn CLOS FIXE Remove second join password field 2013-11-19
29349 UCS UCS Inst botner CLOS FIXE Verwirrende Fehlermeldung: Hostname beginnt mit Ziffern 2013-11-19
31174 UCS UCS Inst botner CLOS FIXE 05univention-bind.inst hangs because link local address is not stored in UCR 2013-11-19
31051 UCS UCS Inst botner CLOS FIXE UCS Installer screen refresh in XenServer 2013-11-19
25046 UCS UCS Inst hahn CLOS FIXE Hersteller, Modell und Größe zu (Festplaten-)Block-Devices anzeigen 2013-11-19
24051 UCS UCS Inst botner CLOS FIXE Name für Experten-Partitionierung irreführend 2013-11-19
31812 UCS UCS Inst botner CLOS FIXE remove univention-horde4 from software selection 2013-11-19
33179 UCS UCS Inst schwardt CLOS FIXE Increase minimal size of EFISYS partition to 260 MiB 2013-11-19
31925 UCS UCS Inst schwardt CLOS FIXE pvcreate fails if partition has been removed but PV signature has not been removed 2013-11-20
24888 UCS UCS Inst botner CLOS FIXE Installer hängt bei sehr langem Domainname/FQDN 2013-12-09
28672 UCS UCS Inst schwardt CLOS FIXE UEFI für Installer 2014-09-22
29964 UCS UCR requate CLOS FIXE UCR C lib does not support different UCR layers 2013-11-19
26819 UCS UCR hahn CLOS DUPL Transaktionen für UCR bzw. Handling von UCR-Variablenlisten 2013-11-19
28714 UCS UCR hahn CLOS FIXE Es gibt zwei UCR Variablen ldap/server/addition und ldap/server/additional wieso? 2013-11-19
32544 UCS UCR hahn CLOS FIXE UCR Python API for setting and unsetting UCRVs 2013-11-19
19751 UCS UCR hahn CLOS WORK Option --keys-only nicht akzeptiert für ucr search 2013-11-19
9914 UCS UCR hahn CLOS WORK Traceback whild parsing command line options 2013-11-19
8278 UCS UCR hahn CLOS WORK univention-baseconfig commit: Dictionary mit allen subfiles 2013-11-19
32196 UCS Third pa damrose CLOS FIXE Provide dependencies of opsi4ucs in maintained 2013-11-19
30722 UCS System s hahn CLOS FIXE Broken handling of Umlauts in SSL certificates 2013-11-19
28396 UCS System s jmm CLOS FIXE UCR Variablen teils in falschen Dateien definiert 2013-11-19
32250 UCS System s gohmann CLOS WORK Selecting samba4 as component shows samba3 warning 2013-11-19
31960 UCS System s requate CLOS FIXE software setup: handling of package lists breaks de-installation 2013-11-19
29697 UCS System s hahn CLOS WORK Traceback im setup.log auf DC Slave nach IP-Änderungsversuch 2013-11-19
33104 UCS System s gohmann CLOS WORK Appliance Mode: slave - failed to uninstall univention-server-master 2013-11-19
29783 UCS System s hahn CLOS FIXE Verwaltung von UCRV "pgsql/pkgdb/network" "pgsql/pkgdb/netmask" in net/10interfaces überflüssig/fehlerhaft 2013-11-19
29714 UCS System s requate CLOS FIXE Definierte Reihenfolge der Setup-Skripte 2013-11-19
33091 UCS System s ucs-maintainers CLOS DUPL Rewrite des setup-Skripts net/10interfaces 2018-04-14
28670 UCS System s hahn CLOS FIXE Rewrite des setup-Skripts net/10interfaces 2018-10-29
32447 UCS Squid botner CLOS FIXE Squid unjoin script 2013-11-19
32183 UCS Squid botner CLOS FIXE Office 2013 NTLM authentication to squid does not work 2013-11-19
32011 UCS Squid damrose CLOS FIXE add univention-squid-kerberos to maintained and merge changes from ucs-school-r2 2013-11-19
31972 UCS Squid botner CLOS FIXE add gss-spnego (kerberos) support to squid_ldap_ntlm_auth 2014-01-08
31072 UCS Spamassa schwez CLOS FIXE Remove mail/antispam/globalfolder variable definition 2013-11-19
32905 UCS manu Shares jmm CLOS FIXE Erweitere Optionen für NFS-Exports 2015-04-01
32347 UCS manu Shares jmm CLOS FIXE Freigaben-Reiter umbennen 2015-04-01
33240 UCS manu Shares jmm CLOS FIXE Shares: Mixed up paragraph placement 2015-04-01
32904 UCS manu Shares jmm CLOS FIXE Samba-Freigaben: Setzen von SUID, SGID und Sticky Bit auf dem Reiter Samba-Erweiterte-Rechte 2015-04-01
32906 UCS manu Shares jmm CLOS FIXE NFSv4 Freigaben anlegen 2015-04-01
32345 UCS manu Shares jmm CLOS FIXE Umbenennen von Samba-Performance 2015-04-01
32929 UCS manu Shares jmm CLOS FIXE Improve Share module layout / texts 2015-04-01
26229 UCS manu Shares jmm CLOS WORK Samba3/Samba4/NFS Listener Module für Univention Shares sollen Verzeichnisse verschieben können 2017-05-09
32503 UCS exte Services jmm CLOS FIXE Samba4 uninstallation 2015-04-01
24837 UCS manu Services jmm CLOS FIXE Erweiterte Dokumentation zur Netlogon-Synchronisation 2015-04-01
33231 UCS exte Services requate CLOS FIXE Samba4 migration - Update Scenario 1 - explain how to install a S4 DC with a different windows/domain in UCS 3.2 2015-04-01
30987 UCS manu Services jmm CLOS FIXE Document the minimal privileges of the synchronization user on the Windows AD server 2015-04-01
28965 UCS manu Services jmm CLOS FIXE Einrichtung des Zertifikatsdiensts unter Windows Server 2012 2015-04-01
32981 UCS exte Services requate CLOS FIXE Adjust AD takeover and S3 to S4 migration for UCS 3.2 2015-04-01
32864 UCS manu Services jmm CLOS FIXE Special pseudo groups 2015-04-01
27944 UCS manu Services jmm CLOS FIXE Vertrauensstellungen + Verweis auf UCS Bug 2015-04-01
22816 UCS exte Services jmm CLOS FIXE Dokumentation: Synchronisation mehrerer AD-Connector-Instanzen 2015-04-01
32921 UCS manu Services jmm CLOS FIXE Design of AD connector download site 2015-04-01
32366 UCS manu Services jmm CLOS FIXE Make SMB2 support configurable via UCR variable 2015-04-01
21838 UCS exte Services docu-maintainers CLOS DUPL Einrichten eines zweiten AD-Connectors unzureichend beschrieben 2017-05-09
32912 UCS manu Services jmm CLOS WORK Lokale Gruppen synchronisieren 2017-05-09
26111 UCS manu Services docu-maintainers CLOS WORK univention-s4search in Samba-Doku erwähnen 2017-05-09
31470 UCS Security jmm CLOS FIXE libxcursor: Multiple issues (3.1) 2013-11-19
31480 UCS Security jmm CLOS FIXE libxrandr: Multiple issues (3.1) 2013-11-19
31485 UCS Security jmm CLOS FIXE libxres: Multiple issues (3.1) 2013-11-19
29156 UCS Security jmm CLOS FIXE net-snmp: DoS (3.1) 2013-11-19
31501 UCS Security jmm CLOS FIXE libxxf86vm: Multiple issues (3.1) 2013-11-19
31476 UCS Security jmm CLOS FIXE libfs: Multiple issues (3.1) 2013-11-19
30983 UCS Security jmm CLOS FIXE postgresql-8.4: multiple issues (3.1) 2013-11-19
29157 UCS Security jmm CLOS FIXE openjpeg: Memory Corruption (3.1) 2013-11-19
31498 UCS Security jmm CLOS FIXE libxxf86dga: Multiple issues (3.1) 2013-11-19
30724 UCS Security jmm CLOS FIXE perl: Denial of service (3.1) 2013-11-19
31450 UCS Security jmm CLOS FIXE libdmx: Multiple issues (3.1) 2013-11-19
31467 UCS Security jmm CLOS FIXE xserver-xorg-video-openchrome: Multiple issues (3.1) 2013-11-19
31446 UCS Security jmm CLOS FIXE libxv: Multiple issues (3.1) 2013-11-19
31455 UCS Security jmm CLOS FIXE libxvmc: Multiple issues (3.1) 2013-11-19
31347 UCS Security jmm CLOS FIXE openvpn: Insecure HMAC comparison (3.1) 2013-11-19
31464 UCS Security jmm CLOS FIXE libxrender: Multiple issues (3.1) 2013-11-19
31473 UCS Security jmm CLOS FIXE libxi: Multiple issues (3.1) 2013-11-19
31488 UCS Security jmm CLOS FIXE libxcb: Multiple issues (3.1) 2013-11-19
29132 UCS Security jmm CLOS FIXE xorg-server: DoS/Information Disclosure (3.1) 2013-11-19
31461 UCS Security jmm CLOS FIXE libxfixes: Multiple issues (3.1) 2013-11-19
31504 UCS Security jmm CLOS FIXE libxinerama: Multiple issues (3.1) 2013-11-19
31495 UCS Security jmm CLOS FIXE libxt: Multiple issues (3.1) 2013-11-19
31483 UCS Security jmm CLOS FIXE libxtst: Multiple issues (3.1) 2013-11-19
31458 UCS Security jmm CLOS FIXE mesa: Multiple issues (3.1) 2013-11-19
31491 UCS Security jmm CLOS FIXE libxext: Multiple issues (3.1) 2013-11-19
30935 UCS Security jmm CLOS FIXE libxslt: DoS (3.1) 2013-11-19
30941 UCS Security jmm CLOS FIXE poppler: Denial of service (3.1) 2013-11-19
32524 UCS Security jmm CLOS FIXE pyopenssl: Incorrect certificate validation (3.1) 2016-08-04
32267 UCS Security jmm CLOS FIXE nas: Multiple issues (3.1) 2016-08-04
32215 UCS Security jmm CLOS FIXE libmodplug: Multiple security issues (3.1) 2016-08-04
32810 UCS Security jmm CLOS FIXE gnupg2: Denial of service (3.1) 2016-08-04
32897 UCS SAML damrose CLOS FIXE UCS-overview changes impact saml app 2013-11-19
32621 UCS SAML damrose CLOS FIXE Adapt theme of simpleSAMLphp 2013-11-19
31693 UCS SAML damrose CLOS FIXE SAML app 2016-06-22
31800 UCS Samba4 requate CLOS FIXE samba/shares.conf should be updated before postrun 2013-11-19
26389 UCS Samba4 peters CLOS FIXE Hinweise auf samba/client_use_spnego aus univention-samba4 entfernen. 2013-11-19
29291 UCS Samba4 requate CLOS FIXE Samba4 DCs sollten den lokalen KDC verwenden 2013-11-19
33251 UCS Samba4 gohmann CLOS FIXE Update Scenario 2 - In place upgrade of the Samba 3/NT4 to a Samba 4/AD domain - failed 2013-11-19
30763 UCS Samba4 requate CLOS FIXE traceback by removing a slave in two sites 2013-11-19
32291 UCS Samba4 requate CLOS FIXE set attribute saltPrincipal in secrets.ldb 2013-11-19
30968 UCS Samba4 requate CLOS FIXE samba4/service/smb handling 2013-11-19
31145 UCS Samba4 requate CLOS FIXE Make SMB2/SMB3 support configurable via UCR variable 2013-11-19
33338 UCS Samba4 gohmann CLOS FIXE In place upgrade of the Samba 3/NT4 to a Samba 4/AD domain - s4connector rejects and Tracebacks 2013-11-19
32248 UCS Samba4 requate CLOS WORK join of univention-samba4 skipped on autotest DC Backup 2013-11-19
32446 UCS Samba4 gohmann CLOS FIXE Samba4 unjoin script 2013-11-19
30813 UCS Samba4 requate CLOS FIXE Appliance: windows/wins-server not updated after join. 2013-11-19
30543 UCS Samba4 requate CLOS FIXE Don't restart bind9 in S4 init script 2013-11-19
28371 UCS Samba4 requate CLOS FIXE Rejoin eines Samba4 DCs langsam wegen "Waiting for RID pool" 2013-11-19
31106 UCS Samba4 requate CLOS FIXE in-place migration: error message due to missing shell-lib include in 2013-11-19
29662 UCS Samba4 gohmann CLOS FIXE Windows Grupenrichtlinienverwaltung: Warnmeldung zu inkonsistenen Berechtigungen 2013-11-19
33121 UCS Samba4 gohmann CLOS FIXE s4 connector: set connector/s4/mapping/group/grouptype=false during update to 3.2 2013-11-19
31306 UCS Samba4 requate CLOS FIXE Fehlermeldung bei univention-s4search NT_STATUS_NO_LOGON_SERVERS 2013-11-19
30999 UCS Samba4 gohmann CLOS FIXE Domain Admins cannot create or modify Group Policies via GPMC 2013-11-19
27893 UCS Samba4 requate CLOS FIXE Backup2Master entfernt Master nicht aus Samba 4 Replikationstoplogie 2013-11-19
31572 UCS Samba4 gohmann CLOS FIXE DCs should become member of "Enterprise Domain Controllers" by default 2013-11-19
33339 UCS Samba4 requate CLOS FIXE univention-ad-takeover of windows server 2003 - join of another ucs slave failed after takeover 2013-11-19
31275 UCS Samba4 requate CLOS FIXE sysvol-sync re-sets read fACLs for "Authenticated Users", make this configurable via UCR 2013-11-19
29462 UCS Samba4 requate CLOS FIXE OpenLDAP-Einträge in srv-Record _ldap._tcp in S4-Umgebungen 2013-11-19
32376 UCS Samba4 gohmann CLOS FIXE sysvolreset messages: idmap range not specified 2013-11-19
32595 UCS Samba4 gohmann CLOS FIXE Re-join of DC backup not successful 2014-05-06
32221 UCS Samba4 requate CLOS FIXE univention-samba4 should support samba/max_open_files?32768 2014-07-17
29000 UCS Samba4 gohmann CLOS FIXE WellKnown Security Principals mit statischen PosixIDs als systemAccounts anlegen. 2016-06-02
33234 UCS Samba4 requate CLOS FIXE Samba4 migration - Update Scenario 1 - wrong type in idmap objects 2016-08-27
32461 UCS Samba4 gohmann CLOS FIXE Group creation via base.ldif 2017-03-02
33129 UCS Samba4 requate CLOS FIXE network browsing (nmbd) not working with UCS 3.2 2021-05-11
29053 UCS Test Samba peters CLOS FIXE Samba3-Test: Passwort Richtlinie 2013-11-19
32226 UCS Samba gohmann CLOS FIXE net rpc machinepass patch for samba 4.1.0~rc2 2013-11-19
32445 UCS Samba gohmann CLOS FIXE Samba unjoin script 2013-11-19
28957 UCS Test Samba requate CLOS FIXE Samba4 Replikation soll getestet werden 2013-11-19
32778 UCS Test Samba gohmann CLOS FIXE Test case 51_samba4/53create_spn_account generates rejects 2013-11-19
31624 UCS Samba requate CLOS FIXE Remove printers/printer option "Use Windows client driver" workaround 2013-11-19
31814 UCS Samba peters CLOS FIXE Appliance: windows/wins-server not updated after join. 2013-11-19
32225 UCS Samba gohmann CLOS WORK ntlm auth patch for samba 4.1.0~rc2 2013-11-19
31921 UCS Samba requate CLOS FIXE Duplicate UCR variable samba/max[/_]protocol 2013-11-19
30621 UCS Samba requate CLOS DUPL winbind on memberserver fails to access idmap LDAP backend after password rotation. 2013-11-19
29230 UCS Test Samba peters CLOS FIXE Samba4-Test: NTACL 2013-11-19
32789 UCS Samba gohmann CLOS FIXE secrets.tdb has been moved to /var/lib/samba/private 2013-11-19
32224 UCS Samba gohmann CLOS WORK xfs quota patch for samba 4.1.0~rc2 2013-11-19
28519 UCS Samba peters CLOS WORK smbclient auf Freigabe mit path = /var/spool/cups-pdf/%U klappt nicht wenn Benutzername Großbuchstaben enthält 2013-11-19
31794 UCS Test Samba gohmann CLOS FIXE Failed to set password via net rpc: "The semaphore time-out period has expired" 2013-11-19
29056 UCS Test Samba requate CLOS FIXE Samba4-Test: File Access Permissions 2013-11-19
29058 UCS Test Samba requate CLOS FIXE Samba4-Test: Password Wechsel 2013-11-19
32715 UCS Test Samba hahn CLOS FIXE Fix 51_samba4/35smbclient_auth 2013-11-19
19311 UCS Test Samba gohmann CLOS WONT Memberserver: Display samba Groups as normal user 2013-11-19
32223 UCS Samba gohmann CLOS FIXE ldapfilter password history patch for samba 4.1.0~rc2 2013-11-19
31774 UCS Samba gohmann CLOS WORK winbind on memberserver fails to access idmap LDAP backend after password rotation. 2013-11-19
32745 UCS Samba gohmann CLOS FIXE Handling windows/wins-server 2013-11-19
31143 UCS Samba requate CLOS DUPL Make SMB2 support configurable via UCR variable 2013-11-19
32049 UCS Samba requate CLOS FIXE UCR template for ldap/maxopenfiles is broken 2013-11-19
32394 UCS Samba gohmann CLOS FIXE Make SMB2 as default 2013-11-19
32222 UCS Samba gohmann CLOS WORK browselist filter patch for samba 4.1.0~rc2 2013-11-19
28343 UCS Test Samba requate CLOS FIXE ucs-test 50samba/20grouplist an samba4 anpassen 2013-11-19
29399 UCS Samba peters CLOS FIXE samba/shares.conf sollte nicht erst im postrun aktualisiert werden 2013-11-19
29052 UCS Test Samba peters CLOS FIXE Samba3-Test: Password Wechsel 2013-11-19
26807 UCS Test Samba requate CLOS FIXE Parallele smbclient Anmeldung 2013-11-19
33342 UCS Samba damrose CLOS FIXE Samba3 trusts Windows does not work in UCS 3.2 2014-02-11
31835 UCS Test Samba peters CLOS FIXE Remove "net join" from 50_samba/05domain-join-ntlm-auth 2014-07-01
32274 UCS S4 Conne gohmann CLOS FIXE Sync of Domain Users with more than 30.000 users failed 2013-11-19
32329 UCS S4 Conne gohmann CLOS FIXE Missing cast in _unixTimeInverval2seconds 2013-11-19
32276 UCS S4 Conne gohmann CLOS FIXE Use set() instead of lists in group sync 2013-11-19
32323 UCS S4 Conne gohmann CLOS FIXE Move displayName from post_attributes to attributes 2013-11-19
32262 UCS S4 Conne requate CLOS FIXE S4 Connector should log filename of reject 2013-11-19
32852 UCS S4 Conne gohmann CLOS FIXE Connector can skip changes in init mode 2013-11-19
32451 UCS S4 Conne gohmann CLOS FIXE S4 connector unjoin script 2013-11-19
32227 UCS S4 Conne requate CLOS FIXE Failing minimum password age check in Samba4 RC2 2013-11-19
32322 UCS S4 Conne gohmann CLOS FIXE Missing SID mapping compare function 2014-03-19
32768 UCS S4 Conne gohmann CLOS FIXE Sync different group types 2016-06-02
32213 UCS S4 Conne gohmann CLOS FIXE Endless change check while searching for S4 changes 2016-12-21
31133 UCS S4 Conne requate CLOS FIXE S4 Connector should log modlist for connector/debug/level=INFO 2017-01-25
29486 UCS S4 Conne gohmann CLOS FIXE Lokale Gruppen synchronisieren 2017-04-20
32361 UCS manu Release jmm CLOS FIXE Removal of the VNC UMC module 2015-04-01
32359 UCS manu Release jmm CLOS FIXE Local User Sync entfernen 2015-04-01
33485 UCS manu Release jmm CLOS FIXE Release Update requires current App versions 2015-04-01
32008 UCS manu Release jmm CLOS FIXE Release notes for 3.2 2015-04-01
32338 UCS manu Release jmm CLOS FIXE performance: samba/max/protocol=smb2 2015-04-01
32684 UCS manu Release jmm CLOS FIXE Multiple changelog entries per bug for UCS-3.2-0 2015-04-01
33453 Z_wiki.u Quick st jmm CLOS FIXE Update vmware guick start guide for 3.2 2013-11-19
33365 Z_wiki.u Quick st damrose CLOS FIXE Update UVMM quick start guide for 3.2 2013-11-19
33352 Z_wiki.u Quick st jmm CLOS FIXE UCS quickstart guide for 3.2 2013-11-19
33364 Z_wiki.u Quick st jmm CLOS FIXE Update Samba 4 quick start guide for 3.2 2013-11-19
33416 Z_wiki.u Quick st jmm CLOS FIXE Check/review quick start guide for UCC 2013-11-19
33454 Z_wiki.u Quick st jmm CLOS FIXE Update quick start guide for EC2 2023-03-25
23884 UCS Printser botner CLOS FIXE Print-Quota sollte als Service registriert werden 2013-11-19
28558 UCS Printser schwez CLOS FIXE Prüfung in univention-check-printers robuster gestalten 2013-11-19
29123 UCS Printser schwez CLOS FIXE univention-check-printers: Verwendetes Tool "mail" nicht vorhanden 2013-11-19
22544 UCS Printser botner CLOS FIXE Den UCRV von univention-check-printers fehlen die Beschreibungen 2013-11-19
32452 UCS Printser gohmann CLOS FIXE Print server unjoin script 2013-11-19
31764 UCS Printser requate CLOS FIXE samba/printers.conf* race condition 2013-11-19
23881 UCS Printser jmm CLOS FIXE Druckdienste UCR-Variablenbeschreibungen aus Doku aktualisieren 2013-11-19
30432 UCS Printser gohmann CLOS FIXE UMC module computer room can cause printers to be unavailable after samba restart 2013-11-19
19101 UCS Printser schwez CLOS FIXE Printer Join Skript sollte Master LDAP prüfen 2013-11-19
28884 UCS Printser schwez CLOS FIXE Falscher Seperator in cupsd.conf Template durch default value in cups/systemgroup 2013-11-19
28877 UCS Printser schwez CLOS FIXE Cups ErrorPolicy im Template abbilden 2013-11-19
17660 UCS Printser schwez CLOS FIXE univention-lpadmin Fehlende Fehlermeldungen 2013-11-19
29001 UCS Printser schwez CLOS FIXE Abhängigkeit auf /usr/bin/pkusers fehlt 2013-11-19
27917 UCS manu Print se jmm CLOS FIXE Automatisches Löschen alter Druckjobs 2015-04-01
32356 UCS manu Print se jmm CLOS FIXE Cups ErrorPolicy im Template abbilden 2015-04-01
32668 UCS manu Print se docu-maintainers CLOS DUPL User should always (if possible) upload x86 and x64 printer drivers 2018-04-14
32492 UCS pkgdb walkenhorst CLOS FIXE PKGDB unjoin script 2013-11-19
32581 UCS PAM gohmann CLOS FIXE Hook support for 2013-11-19
22548 UCS NFS jmm CLOS DUPL Den UCRV von univention-nfs fehlen die Beschreibungen 2013-11-19
22712 UCS NFS bugzilla CLOS WORK NFS mit Kernel 2.6.32 langsam 2013-11-19
21556 UCS NFS damrose CLOS FIXE NFSv4 Freigaben anlegen 2017-07-28
32931 UCS Network hahn CLOS FIXE Split univention-ipcalc into module 2013-11-19
29839 UCS Monitori botner CLOS FIXE Nagios external commands funktioniert nicht out-of-the-box 2022-06-27
32453 UCS Monitori walter CLOS FIXE Nagios unjoin script 2022-06-27
23911 UCS Monitori bugzilla CLOS DUPL Integration der UCR-Beschreibungen aus TechDok in *univention-config-registry-variables 2022-06-27
32357 UCS manu Mail ser jmm CLOS FIXE mailHomeServer muss nicht gesetzt werden, jedoch erwarten die cyrus Listener Modul teilweise einen mailHomeServer 2015-04-01
32371 UCS manu Mail ser jmm CLOS FIXE remove univention-horde4 from software selection 2015-04-01
22743 UCS manu Mail ser jmm CLOS FIXE Einrichtung von Thunderbird dokumentieren 2015-04-01
32720 UCS manu Mail ser jmm CLOS FIXE Objektnamen im Mail-Modul anpassen 2015-04-01
32464 UCS manu Mail ser jmm CLOS FIXE Update Horde instructions/screenshots for Horde 5 2015-04-01
30900 UCS Mail botner CLOS FIXE occurrences of scalix variables in mail templates 2013-11-19
32444 UCS Mail botner CLOS FIXE postfix smtpd_banner 2013-11-19
24715 UCS Mail botner CLOS FIXE Beschreibung für mail/relay entfernen 2013-11-19
29605 UCS Mail damrose CLOS FIXE mailHomeServer muss nicht gesetzt werden, jedoch erwarten die cyrus Listener Modul teilweise einen mailHomeServer 2013-11-19
28124 UCS Mail botner CLOS FIXE smtpd_tls_CAfile per UCR Konfigurieren 2013-11-19
17967 UCS Mail schwez CLOS FIXE univention-antivir-mail sollte ein postfix reload ausführen 2013-11-19
29593 UCS Mail botner CLOS FIXE Postfix smtpd auf 465 wird im Debug Modus gestartet 2013-11-19
28464 UCS Mail botner CLOS FIXE Cyrus DB_CONFIG per UCR 2013-11-19
32454 UCS Mail walter CLOS FIXE Mail server unjoin script 2013-11-19
22429 UCS Mail schwez CLOS FIXE imapd.conf duplicatesuppression per UCR 2013-11-19
29637 UCS Mail mail-maintainers CLOS DUPL mailHomeServer kann leer sein? 2013-11-19
28123 UCS Mail botner CLOS FIXE tls_ca_file per UCR Konfigurieren 2013-11-19
25722 UCS Mail schwardt CLOS DUPL Listener Module und zusammenführen 2013-11-19
29835 UCS Local us botner CLOS FIXE Local User Sync entfernen 2013-11-19
This result was limited to 500 bugs. See all search results for this query.
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